But Lord Hall will also look to the BBC's future amid rapid technological change and growing competition.
Underlying the steady growth of the multinational was the global push towards privatisation and rapid technological change.
In a period of rapid technological change, greater experimentation allows new ideas to be tried out more swiftly.
At a time of rapid technological change, workers might place a higher premium on keeping whatever job (at whatever pay) they have.
The radically different 21st-century model deserves a radically different style of its own, dramatically contemporary and flexible enough to accommodate rapid technological change.
WSJ: New York Public Library | Undertaking Its Destruction | By Ada Louise Huxtable
Because of rapid technological change, they say, people must be prepared to change jobs frequently: therefore, pensions and health care should be portable.
Economists attribute most of the stagnation in the wages of the low-skilled to rapid technological change, which has increased the demand for (and emoluments of) skilled workers and has made life harder for those without skills.
Both that argument and America's rules stopping local operators merging with long-distance operators look harder to justify given today's turmoil and the rapid pace of technological change.
Taking account of the rapid pace of technological change in the area of media and communications, the expert group meeting tried to look to the future in an attempt to anticipate new challenges and trends.
Some participants brought up emerging problems of media ethics in the wake of the rapid technological development and continuous change in the profession of reporter.
None of this can be separated from rapid and all-encompassing technological change that is altering both our personal and institutional relationships.
Undoubtedly as C21 moves into its second decade it is clear that human civilization is experiencing rapid change whether in technological abilities or in economic muscle.