"The situation in Syria is rapidly deteriorating, " Ban Ki-moon said during a visit to Croatia.
Aid workers on the ground say the situation is rapidly deteriorating.
Brian Murray, senior counsel, said his client has between months and two years left to live with her incurable illness and that her condition is rapidly deteriorating.
"Core fundamentals are rapidly deteriorating, liquidity has been choked, and recovery rates are in the process of dropping to historic proportions, " Whitney wrote in a note to clients.
"I think there is a very strong case to be made that the agricultural trends, the demographic trends and the climatic trends are pointing towards a rapidly deteriorating risk outlook, " Mr Bailey said.
If the Egyptian commandos hadn't arrived on the scene at the last moment, the situation would have been too explosive for a sober-minded assessment of the rapidly deteriorating situation with our neighbor to the south.
Otherwise, the United Nations will face more than just a rapidly deteriorating situation on the ground, with countless thousands of innocent civilians added to the 128, 000 Bosnians estimated to have died to date -- and the likelihood that the horror will spread to still other flash points like Kosovo, Macedonia and Vojyvodina.
Indeed, the relationship between these two key countries appears to be deteriorating rapidly.
His day-to-day influence on Apple over the last years must have been limited, given his rapidly and severely deteriorating health.
Albemarle retreated to the Governor's Residence at Port Royal to drown his sorrows, his health deteriorating rapidly in the inhospitable climate.
But the life chances are deteriorating rapidly for those without qualifications.
Given currently elevated equity valuations, widening credit spreads, deteriorating market internals, and the rapidly increasing risk of fresh economic weakness, there is little in the current data to rule out these extended time frames.