In this group, the drug slowed cognitive decline five points on a commonly used 70-point rating scale.
Of the 1, 000 patients he has treated, 80% have significantly improved as measured by a clinical rating scale.
In the VantageScore credit rating scale, consumers with a score lower than 700 on a scale of 501-990 are considered non-prime borrowers.
Based on her scores in February from a widely used psychological test called the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Guyton's mental illness is in remission.
As a result, issuance began to move more aggressively down the rating scale as companies felt they had a better chance to find a lender at lower cost.
The test, the Uniform Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, is subjective.
In addition to the history, which should include questions based upon the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, and the qEEG and sometimes the SPECT, other standardized sets of questions, such as the ADHD Rating Scale or the Brown scale, add confidence to the diagnosis.
For the totally clueless, SurveyMonkey has templates to follow, and quick, modular components allow the surveyor to run multiple choice, matrix of choices, rating scale, text box, and demographic questions under the noses of his or her target respondents with a simple click of a button.
House of Cards, scoring a 76 rating on a scale of 100 from, worked.
Both are ranked as level seven accidents, the most dire rating on a scale developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
It gives each review a rating on a scale of 1 to 100 and then averages out the ratings to come up with a final number.
The firm's BrandIndex service surveyed two slices of the U.S. population, adults 18 to 34 and those over 35, to discover if their perception of the Facebook brand has grown more positive or negative over the past few weeks and rating the results on a scale of -100 to 100.
At the time, the unit was announced as having passed with a "satisfactory" rating, which is third on a scale of five. gave Facebook a rating of four stars on a possible scale of five, a level that it hasn't doled out since Visa Inc.
By comparison, the Earth grazing Asteroid 2012 DA14 and the Russian meteor that caught the world by surprise on Feb 15, 2013 are relatively tiny objects, hardly even rating a mention in the solar system scale of asteroid impactors.
FORBES: The Moon is a Natural Platform for Asteroid Mining, Detection and Deflection
They did this by rating how likely they thought it was, on a scale of one to seven, that a couple would break up in the next five years.
It's his rating system for gauging the level of investor interest on a scale of 0 to 10.
The Tuscaloosa tornado was later given a rating of EF4, the second-most powerful on the Enhanced Fujita Scale, meaning it had wind speeds between 166 and 200 mph.
The plan fails to respond to the true scale of the banks' problems, warns Moody's, a rating agency.
Two National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration storm-rating measurements initially ranked Friday's snowstorm as 16th in Northeast history by one scale and 25th by another.
To get an Energy Star rating on a building requires achieving a score of 75 or higher on an EPA scale of 1 to 100.