With NHS budgets under relentless pressure, these are increasingly being seen as rations the NHS cannot afford.
Many of the camp's residents get rations from the United Nations' World Food Program.
Tens of thousands of food rations and sanitary packages have been handed out, Merten said.
Almost at once dozens of displaced civilians started taking their staple dry rations to town.
Nearly three million packs of daily food rations are also being stockpiled and pre-positioned.
The vehicle is fixed now and the 92nd are packing away their gourmet rations.
Carter handed them some food rations after hearing they had not eaten in three days.
Soldiers would also trade their Hershey chocolate bar rations and nylon stockings for goods.
So we asked the officers to give us enough rations and to return our savings.
BBC: Burma soldiers 'refusing tasks in pay, rations protest'
His scheme therefore rations the treatments available to poor Oregonians under the state's Medicaid plan.
He added that the US had also continued to drop packages of daily rations in north Afghanistan.
World Food Program said Friday that it was cutting rations in half, citing a lack of funds.
But there was no one to greet them, and only stale rations to mark the occasion with.
Representing Uruk's mass-produced goods are beveled-rim bowls that were made using molds and often used for workers' rations.
WSJ: The Ur-Metropolis | Uruk | Pergamon Museum | By A.J. Goldmann
The military eventually changed the wrapping of the Afghan rations to blue so as not to confuse civilians.
When it began, the women's daily rations were slashed to 1, 200 calories, while the men were allowed 1, 500.
But there were never thoughts on turning on each other, not even when rations quickly began running out.
They also say they have learned that front-line forces in Burma's border areas are still on full rations.
BBC: Burma soldiers 'refusing tasks in pay, rations protest'
Long lines of cars streamed by the community center, dropping off food, water and other rations throughout the weekend.
CNN: Texan town tries to rebuild with community, spirituality
They do get food aid now, the government has let aid through, but she has to share her rations with another family.
Britain had so far sent "tens of thousands" of rations of food supplies to the country, he told MPs.
But even here, our monthly food rations only feed us for a week.
He refused extra rations and insisted on being treated like his fellow prisoners.
The military distributed the same type of food rations in that country, which also were the same color as ordnance.
In the build-up to the war, rations were increased, though estimates of how much food families have stockpiled vary widely.
The other side held specialty rations: boiled pasta and rubbery egg whites, white rice, brown rice, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.
"About four days before Americans liberated the camp, we stopped getting even the meager rations we had been given, " he said.
The lack of medical supplies meant care wasn't much more than holding someone's hand or sharing some of her starvation rations.
And perhaps only as Indians grow more urban, mobile and well-connected will they see the full advantage of cash over rations.
One shopkeeper says most of the goods he sells are leftover rations dumped by American military units when they leave the country.