Official investigators have yet to reach a conclusion on who may have been responsible.
And in fading light, Woods and Howell decided to continue playing in near gloom to reach a conclusion.
CNN: Nike duo Woods and McIlroy humbled in the Arizona desert
The limited data that are in the public domain prohibit investigators from using optimal methods to reach a conclusion from the available evidence.
However, the details of the deal remain to be decided and it could take several more years for the Doha round to reach a conclusion.
Whenever Finance Minister, Jane Hutt, appears at a press conference, she knows one question is inevitably coming: when might the big conversation between Jane and Danny reach a conclusion?
The French president said "the prime minister and myself noted that some progress has been achieved in the discussions and I do hope we can reach a conclusion", the agency added.
For without getting the evidence right we cannot reach a conclusion as to which is the right method and thus risk concentrating resources on things that are ineffective rather than things which reduce poverty.
FORBES: Jeff Sach's Lancet Paper on Millennium Villages: Actual Scientists Seriously Unimpressed
The report stated: "Members were unable to reach a conclusion as to a likely candidate for the conflicting aircraft and it was therefore felt that the board had insufficient information to determine a Cause or Risk".
Because the FDA's questions focused on whether there was a risk and whether the data available was powerful enough to reach a conclusion, the FDA actually got very little feedback on the topic where panelists might have helped the most: how to warn patients of a risk that may well be there.
Analysts get close to the government entities and companies under their coverage, making analysts more sympathetic to the securities they are covering. (Not to mention making it easier to miss the forest for all the trees.) Analysts also succumb to herd behavior, meaning they are unlikely to create a forecast or reach a conclusion that is significantly different from that of their peers.
Such a physician might be able to guide the parents of colicky babies through a difficult time that is (mercifully) usually transient, and could also help patients requiring hormone replacement therapy (whether for low thyroid hormone levels or low testosterone levels) decide what replacement dose makes sense, and reach a conclusion that would be informed by numeric criteria but not exclusively defined by it.
FORBES: Are doctors over-responsive to patients -- or not attentive enough? (Answer: yes.)
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experience would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life, " she said in the speech, explaining how she thinks life experiences can influence judicial rulings.
Others agree with Gleckman on the estate tax but, like the President, reach a different conclusion.
Still, Duma said, it may take as many as 20 years to reach a firm conclusion.
However, we reach a different conclusion to you and find that legalisation is not the solution.
Apply economic thinking to quality and you reach a shocking conclusion: Superb product quality is becoming abundant.
But there are reasons why an observer could reasonably reach a different conclusion.
Many reach a similar conclusion without historical knowledge, but for me history has greatly clarified where the train tracks lead.
But many friendly governments, weighing both the dangers and their own self-interest, may reach a different conclusion about the balance of risks.
"I would hope that a wise woman with the richness of her experience would, more often than not, reach a better conclusion, " she said in the 1994 speech.
As the psychologist Daniel Kahneman points out in "Thinking Fast and Slow, " you'll reach a smarter conclusion if everyone expresses their views at the outset, before anyone has spoken.
This was not due to a technical flaw in the previous study, but just because the data available at the time was not rigorous enough to reach a definitive conclusion.
Ilia Dichev and Troy Janes reach a similar conclusion from a study of 100 years of American share prices, and at least 15 years' data in each of 24 other countries.
The sample size of this project was very small, but the researchers did reach a logical conclusion: they theorize that it takes the brain longer to process the ugly, more-difficult-to-read fonts.
"We are hopeful we can reach a positive conclusion soon and launch a new service that complements our already substantial operations in China, " James Murdoch, chairman and chief executive of Hong-Kong based Star said.
The announcements by the CERN researchers come two days after scientists in Illinois said they had crept closer to proving the existence of the Higgs boson but had been unable to reach a definitive conclusion.
But we are confident that the negotiations being led by the Vice President on reducing the deficit will reach a positive conclusion and we are confident that the Congress will vote to raise the debt ceiling.
Such a report would surely reach the conclusion that a gun in the home greatly elevates risks of suicide, lethal accident and fatal domestic violence.
Graham Powell, cabinet member for education and infrastructure, said talks were continuing and it hoped to reach a "positive conclusion" with affected businesses.