Should I reach out to this person or wait for them to reach out to me?
"Every time I hear Danny Boy I reach for a tissue because it makes me so sad, " he added.
The impact of these challenges and the death of my father when I was 13 forced me to reach deep for solutions.
"For me to be able to reach out to other people throughout all this has been great, " she said.
Many reach a similar conclusion without historical knowledge, but for me history has greatly clarified where the train tracks lead.
Mr. FREDERICK HITZ (Former Inspector General, Central Intelligence Agency): It doesn't sound to me like the first thing you'd reach for if you wanted to terminate a life in this fashion.
"I am pleased that we have been able to reach an agreement between the two clubs to enable me to play for Fulham next season, " added Davis.
Female leaders including French minister Christine Lagarde have told me they support a measure of affirmative action for women to reach the executive level or board level.
The latter is probably a reach, but if so, can someone freeze me so that I can hibernate for 30 years?
FORBES: Everything the Hysterics Tell You About Budget Deficits Is Wrong
Dial the 800 number, work through a dizzying array of menu choices, choose to speak with a human being and wait on hold listening to music for 20 minutes to two hours (it happened to me once) and you might reach a person who can (in only 70% of my cases) provide definitive, final help.
For me, a museum is a mandate to educate and communicate that begins way before you reach the gates of the museum.
It was this same brilliance that influenced me at a very difficult time in my life to reach out to my local Head Start program for the same support other members of my family could tap into.
However, for me as stateless individual, these aspects are a constant challenge, and a statue I strive to reach to find a shared sense of dignity.