Peroxynitrite, a reactionproduct of nitric oxide and superoxide radicals, has been implicated in N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-mediated excitotoxic damage.
Google Reader DeadWhen Google announced Wednesday night that it was shutting down its Reader product, it was met with a reaction that was not only furious but personal.
Feedback was "incredibly positive" and when they showed the product off at a party full of Silicon Valley investors, the warm reaction provided market validation, he added.
Investor risk appetite retreated Tuesday in the wake of some fresh, anemic gross domestic product figures coming out of the European Union, and on an uninspired reaction to the results of a meeting between French and German leaders regarding the EU debt crisis.
Despite its kneejerk reaction to a Sunday of bone-crushing hits and injuries, the NFL does not want its product to turn into flag football where the scores are an Arena-like 55-45.