Alexander's sisters cried and consoled each other after the verdict was read in the packed courtroom.
Read in this context, Nemesis and The Passage have a great deal in common.
Likewise, most of the recent setbacks to Turkey's reform programme can be read in two ways.
"The pace is picking up, " says Brian Rose, senior economist at Warburg Dillon Read in Tokyo.
One can only wonder how the Farsi version will be read in Tehran.
Seductive stuff, especially when read in August in a Tuscan villa or on a Mediterranean beach.
My brain wanted to read in the direction up to down instead of left to right.
So what are we to read in the sale of "Marilyn" for three times its estimate?
From what I have read in news reports, I do have concerns about this legislation.
But the family was not surrounded by servants, as he has read in the British papers.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Julian Fellowes: The Anti-Snobbery of 'Downton Abbey'
No, we are covered by the law of whatever jurisdiction the material is read in.
FORBES: Twitter's New Censorship System and International Internet Law
With January comes the perennial advice about what to read in the New Year.
And, despite what you may have read in the blogosphere, it is not reflexively anti-natural gas.
Untrue, but it might tire you more quickly than if you read in a brighter light.
FORBES: A Baker's Dozen Of Medical Myths That Concern Your Eyes
After prayers read in Arabic, Hebrew and Italian by figures from different religions, each leader offered his own invocation.
But it is also, when read in context, pretty clearly not what Sir William meant.
My market analysis can also be read in most major financial publications, including the Wall Street Journal.
Among those cheering as the caucus results from Laramie County were read in Cheyenne was Doug Mercado.
"The art of tapeo is like a baroque, sybaritic game, " I read in The Oxford Companion to Food.
"It saddens me to learn that these charges have been brought against me, " the statement read in part.
I'm running it today because science consumption doesn't happen only through what we read in the news media.
Some owners (not me, though) found that when they read in the sun the letters began to disappear.
"There are a gazillion things that we read that we want to read in private, " Mr. Schneier says.
Morgan Stanley asks interviewees to name a recent story they've read in the Financial Times apparently, a lot can't.
If you believe what you read in last Saturday's Daily Mail, she will quit for family reasons.
Sure, many of us still trust the sources that furnish the stories we read in the New York Times.
Please feel free to come down here and read in your time off.
It also publishes City and State, a political biweekly that produces a daily email digest well-read in political circles.
Many popular Chinese novels have begun to appear online, where they can be read in their entirety without charge.
If exposing scams and corruption is the editorial line - then Tehelka will certainly be keenly read in India.