"According to one CIA manager, the tight control over access to the PSP prevented some officers who could have made effective use of the program reporting from being readin, " the report states.
My knowledge of macroeconomics is limited to what I learned during Econ 101 at NYU and the lessons that were covered in the material I was required to readin order to complete the demanding CFA program.
And they raise most of the money to pay for the books. (Only about a third to a half of the book funds come from matching funds provided by the national Reach Out and Read office.) The program works because it is rooted in individual responsibility: the responsible behavior of parents who, who once they understand the importance of reading to their young children, do so.
Some students read about a program that was extremely generous more generous, in fact, than any welfare policy that has ever existed in the United States while others were presented with a very stingy proposal.