The Open Data Initiative, an effort to make government data machine-readable and accessible to all citizens.
The user interface is readable and seems simplistic until you watch someone use the applications.
George Eliot gave us one readable book, which turned out to be the central Anglophone novel.
Then he must perform an elaborate three-step translation to turn it into readable English.
Now, in retirement, he has gathered his conclusions into a deeply intelligent and very readable book.
All this made readable stories, and Queen Modjadji became quite famous in South Africa.
Mr Smyser has produced an authoritative, readable account which should become a standard text.
Much of the information taken in the Sony hacks was unencrypted and easily readable.
The book is slightly technical, eminently readable, consistently shocking, occasionally hectoring and unapologetically polemical.
But he believes a readable name badge can make all the difference in how well people interact.
WSJ: Conventional Wisdom: Nametags Say a Whole Lot About You
The contenders will be chosen subjectively and evaluated on the Journal's RPI (Readable and Pretty Interesting) scale.
The GD300 includes a sunlight readable display and functional control buttons typically found on any Android-based device.
ENGADGET: General Dynamics' GD300 is the Pip-Boy that runs Android
Both books are readable, the Geffen book especially, because his life is the archetypal American dream story.
Jan Swafford's slablike life of Brahms is more discursive than Mr Carr's book but just as readable.
Microsoft also unveiled a P3P-enabled version of Explorer and a P3P-readable version of its own corporate privacy statement.
But whether such information can be standardised enough to be computer-readable for comparison on company websites is questionable.
Examples of data that are already being released in machine-readable form across government.
FORBES: Obama Signs Open Data Executive Order: U.S. Government Data To Be Made Freely Available
It is readable in sunlight, lightweight, rugged and field proven with over 50 million ePaper displays being used worldwide.
ENGADGET: E Ink acquires SiPix, may dominate e-paper universe
Check out the very readable new verse translation of Beowulf from Seamus Heaney, the Irish poet and Nobel laureate.
The series includes what is perhaps the only readable book on Regular Expressions.
His welcome and readable essay lays out what he thinks liberalism really amounts to and why it demands support.
But The Polyester Prince presents reams of information in a highly readable fashion.
What is the percentage change of information the agency publishes online in open, machine-readable formats over the year before?
WHITEHOUSE: The White House Open Government Dashboard: Seeking Your Input | The White House
The first is a matrix of miniscule dots on the page, which will make each photographed page more easily machine-readable.
FORBES: With Evernote-Syncing "Smart Notebook", Moleskine Makes A Digital Play
The ClearRX bottles dispensed by its pharmacies have flat sides so that drug labels are clearly readable front and back.
In "Those Angry Days, " journalist-turned-historian Lynne Olson captures that period in a fast-moving, highly readable narrative punctuated by high drama.
Time is indicated on this purist watch as readable text, turning it into a statement: "It is half past nine".
ENGADGET: Biegert & Funk bring the literal time to your wristwatch with QLOCKTWO W
In a readable narrative style, this wee book packs more information, insight and historical perspective than do most volumes many times its length.
But much digital media from the past is readable only on a handful of fragile and antique machines, if at all.
Highly readable tour of the world's markets, explaining how they work, why they sometimes do not, and how they are evolving.