"There is a lot of energy here, because eastern Europe is full of potential, " agreed Daniel Farmache, who studied at Reading University in the UK and like Costin now works for a bank back home.
Dr Peter Barker, a lecturer in the German department at Reading University said Germany was in fact trying to deal with similar problems as those detailed in the article.
Though here's their favorite place inside you, says microbiologist Glenn Gibson of the University of Reading in Britain.
The team is lead by Professor Atta Badii of the Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory at the University of Reading in the UK and has 19 specialists working on Hector.
She graduated from the University of Reading in 1985 with a degree in physics and meteorology and in September of that year joined the Met Office in Bracknell, where she worked as a computer programmer.
Other recent intra-national mergers of European schools, such as between Henley and the University of Reading in Britain, have not only had the benefit of economies of scale and complimentary areas of strength, but also of proximity.
Lettie, who's in her 20s, went to Thomas Mills High School in Framlingham before reading history at Glasgow University.
In a joint statement, Reading University Muslim Society, Reading University Students Union (RUSU) and the University of Reading said they agreed the event had been "undermined by the increasing threat of violent protest from extremist groups outside the University community".
The University of Reading says it is coming in the form of atmospheric rivers - narrow bands of atmospheric moisture, thousands of kilometres long, transported by the wind.
But Dr Ann Walker, senior lecturer in human nutrition at the University of Reading and a qualified medical herbalist, said the findings would make little difference to the average St John's wort user.
He became a principal lecturer and head of history at a college in Berkshire, which is now part of Reading University.
Jeffrey Almond, a microbiologist at the University of Reading, described the harrowing weekend in March 1996, when the Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Committee was locked away to struggle with the news that the worst had probably happened.
Professor Michael Shaw, a plant health expert at the University of Reading, who was not involved in the research, said it was a step towards understanding why certain strains of the fungus cause disease while others are benign.
After reading about a circulating water cooling cap that was used in a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine sleep study, the girls set about creating a cheaper, lighter, and less onerous solution the cooling headband.
Finally, the successful inventors had always maintained clear ties to sources of scientific knowledge in the public domain, by collaborating with university scientists, reading scientific publications, and so on.
"(B)ased on a small sample of women, this is the image of Christian Grey they have in their heads when reading the novels, " the lecturer said via the university's website.
The University of Michigan's preliminary reading on consumer sentiment for June came in at 69.
The 0846 GMT departure from Cardiff Central railway station to Treforest on Thursday was a real case of poetry in motion - with three poets from the University of Glamorgan on board reading verse.
Experts from Creative Associates International, Inc. with technical assistance from researchers of University of Massachusetts (USA) conducted external evaluation in mathematics and reading upon two groups of students through pre and post-test with the same content.
Nick Klingaman from Reading University says that, as it moves east, the MJO influences monsoon rainfall in Australia, India, Southeast Asia, South America and Africa.
Richard Allan, from the Department of Meteorology at the UK's University of Reading, said the WMO's latest data confirmed the trend in the rate of rise reported in recent decades.
"When they write those novels, they share their secret, personal problems, and when they read by mobile phones, they can hide what they are reading, " explained Toshie Takahashi, an associate professor of media studies at Rikkyo University in Tokyo.
CNN: Cell phone stories writing new chapter in print publishing