In 2001, however, Dirks found one after reading a report from Dr. Weissman's lab at Stanford.
Reading the report, I think it is unreasonable to blame MI5 for the actions of four deluded men.
Strikingly, when reading the report, the parallels between this debacle and other corporate disasters of the recent and more distant past are stunningly clear.
FORBES: The BP oil rig disaster -- better brace yourself: there is surely more to come
To repeat, the differences between Greece and Iceland are many and various, but reading the report there was one other phrase that leapt out at me.
Immediately after reading the report grab the appendix of Key Indicators (KI) and Indicators of Compromise (IOC) and parse the last six weeks of network traffic you have captured.
But then, from reading the report it is clear that the aim of the US government is not, in fact to help Israeli media outlets do a better job reporting on events.
It was an unfortunate reaction as, had they considered the benefits of withholding judgment until actually reading the report, they might have been saved from the egg covering they are not so proudly displaying on their faces today.
The Government's programme is a bit bogged down at the moment - and you would need the best part of a whole Commons day to ram through the second reading, committee, report and third reading of even a short emergency bill.
Brian Jenkins' read on the report, actually, and the post reading of the report kind of spins the report in a different way that doesn't seem to be squaring with the - what the original writer - authors did.
One of them, Dr. Ayub Ommaya, said Wednesday he had evaluated Eappen's case by reading the autopsy report and other documents.
But when I read the programming, I lurched for an oxygen mask faster than a Yankee fan reading the injury report.
That's the question I once again asked myself, reading the final report of the London School of Economics' Growth Commission.
Bernie betrayed no emotion or remorse, calmly delivering his bombshell with the cool demeanor of an anchorman reading a wire report on the evening news.
FORBES: Mark Madoff's Unpublished Memoir: 'My Father Has Stolen My Life'
In fact, from reading this particular report we are left to conclude that no significant progress has been made with these latter cells (which are referenced only once in your report).
Those statements marked a change from Manson's past denials of having murdered nine people in 1969, and the statements showed some insight into his crimes, Peck said, reading from the report.
It's not clear, on an early reading of the report, how much point there remains in Royal Bank of Scotland continuing to operate an investment bank alongside its commercial and retail arms.
Americans will feel "a certain shock" after reading Thursday's report , White House National Security Adviser James Jones told USA Today.
Ofsted's report on reading found that, while overall standards are improving, many children are not "reading for pleasure" even when they are strong readers.
But there's more to this story - described in painful but fascinating detail by Brian Reading in a new report for Lombard Street Research.
Mrs King said she rejected a place at Sherwood Park after reading the latest Ofsted report, which highlighted attendance issues, concerns about below-average academic attainment, the news that the current head teacher was leaving, and the 1.1-mile walk to the school.
Indeed, the report is worth reading as a sea tale rivaling the ancient story of Jonah.
For those who worry that some disadvantaged neighbourhoods are being cast adrift from mainstream society, today's JRF report makes troubling reading.
Then the House comes to the day's main event - the report and third reading stages of the Justice and Security Bill.
Is it any coincidence that his report on early reading not only told teachers what to teach, but how to teach it?
But behavioral economics yields an insight into an important phenomenon influencing hospital prices, a phenomenon I came across while reading a 2005 Lewin Group report on hospital pricing.
For the music industry, Musicmetric's report makes difficult reading.
While the entire report is worth reading, Walmart has created a top 10 list of achievements that highlights the most important sustainability steps that the company took in the last year.
There are a number of detailed issues where further tweaking of the bill is likely, so amendments will doubtless continue to pop up at Committee, Report and Third Reading in the Commons - and then in the Lords as well.