When his coaches were ready to move on, Fry was gifted at singing their praises.
But on the convention floor last night, other Clinton delegates appeared ready to move on.
Everyone agrees that what Mark Foley did was reprehensible, and the voters are ready to move on.
Maybe he or she was burned out, found a great opportunity or was simply ready to move on.
He appears to be ready to move on to larger and larger targets.
Still without an agent, Smith is ready to move on to football again.
Scott talked to Williams and the two men seem ready to move on.
If you still want to go to China after reading this book, you are ready to move on to the next book on the list.
I'm halfway through my monthlong BlackBerry 10 experiment, which means this is the point at which I'm usually ready to move on to something new.
ENGADGET: Back to BlackBerry: a power user's perspective Mobile
"People are ready to move on, and they don't want to be associated with the past stigma that the last people in office put on the town, " resident Michael Primm said.
When a class is ready to move on to a new concept, all students move on, regardless of how many have mastered the previous concept (even if it is a prerequisite for learning what is next).
Once the modular elements are installed, residents are ready to move on in to their extremely sturdy (built to stringent industrial standards, oil silos are resilient to just about anything whether it be water, wind or zombies) and extremely sustainable retrofitted bubble digs.
And that, I think, changes the electoral map in such a way where we're going to have more people ready to move forward on the agendas that we all agree with.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
When push comes to shove, it has at times been ready to get a move on.
Success beings to those who are ready to move fast and move on faster.
The past few years have been hard on entrepreneurs who were ready to sell their small businesses and move on with their lives.
Now, one hardware company thinks hard-core gamers are ready to take their action on the move, too.
But Mandaric insists that he ensured the new Thai owners were completely ready to take control before he agreed to move on.
R. is a big piece to the puzzle and I hope he's learned his lesson, and we've got to move on with it and he's got to be ready to go tomorrow night.
Employees are encouraged, nay tasked, with working on their own projects while continuing to work for the company, just as he encouraged his musicians to move on, even to move out, when they were ready.
The lower marine riser package has been separated, and they're putting it on latching skids getting ready to move it closer to shore.
CNN: Public may not see failed blowout preventer from BP oil well
The investments we made under the Recovery Act has helped, but obviously there's a lot more work to do to put construction workers and millions of other Americans who are ready and eager to help rebuild America and move our recovery forward back on the job again.
I'm ready to let this part go and be done, close this chapter and move on to the next.
After talks with Iranian officials in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, India's Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Murli Deora made a surprise announcement on June 23 that he, too, is ready to move forward.
Because the new kids on the course in professional golf are still not ready to stand up and move the ratings needle.
Short-sellers tend to move under cover of darkness, launching stealthy guerrilla raids on stocks they deem ready for a fall.
Most companies simply acknowledge the departures and move on, but some of them are starting to recruit talented women who are ready to resume work.