Gregory Wasson, president of Walgreens Health Initiatives, which includes his company's mail-order business, insists that you don't get any real bargain ordering by mail.
Now is the bargain real estate season: asking home prices typically hit their seasonal low point from November through January.
And then on the grand bargain real quick, you had said that -- even today and also last week -- that this is easily solvable.
While money matters, there can be no doubt that the biggest bargain was Real's decision to throw piles of cash at United for Ronaldo.
This would have given the Republicans in the House tremendous leverage to bargain for real pro-growth provisions as part of the tax cut package that the American people would have demanded.
One reason is that, on the Continent at least, many government-owned properties are for sale to the private sector, which gives real estate companies some bargain buys that generate good rental income.
Had he taken them seriously before now, one can imagine the results: a faster economic recovery with lower unemployment, a popular form of health-care reform, a grand bargain with real spending cuts, a smaller deficit and declining debt-to-GDP ratio, and a less polarized Washington.
Just as the cable television newsmen were bemoaning the unwillingness of the Republicans to compromise, Boehner came forward to suggest strongly that the Grand Bargain was a very real possibility since his Republicans in Congress would now be willing to accept some tax increases to produce revenues to balance off the reductions in spending on entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.
FORBES: John Boehner Offers Obama A "Grand Bargain" Over the Fiscal Cliff
This bargain also means that private insurance plans now have real long term exposure.
FORBES: How Obamacare Will Impact Americans With Disabilities
With that in mind, we went searching for bargain-basement producers on each playoff team who could have real impact.
Japan's major newspapers, including the Yomiuri Nihon Keizai Shimbun (the so-called Nikkei, the largest business paper) and the Kyodo press wire were all allocated choice downtown real estate for their headquarters by the Japanese government in the 1960s at bargain prices.
With hard-charging New Jersey bargain hunter Steven Roth at its helm, Vornado has been buying real estate on the cheap since the 1980s.
Yet when I look at the personal benefit of monitoring for real proxies on fitness and health, I begin to feel better about the bargain.
Now the real estate industry is stabilizing, one contrarian trade that seems tempting is financials that seem to trade at bargain prices.