• The City of Sacramento has agreed to sell real estate and lease its parking operations to pay for the rest.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Lehigh Gas Partners, headquartered in Allentown, PA, was formed to engage in the wholesale distribution of motor fuels and to own and lease real estate used in the retail distribution of motor fuels.

    FORBES: Lehigh Gas Partners Launches IPO

  • Last week, it was reported that entertainment powerhouse Sony is looking to lease out real estate in its New York headquarters -- this after its Sony Music Entertainment arm dissolved longtime record labels (Jive, Arista) into one (RCA) for cost cutting measures.


  • It is turning out to be one part Daniel Libeskind to several parts Larry Silverstein, the real-estate developer who held the lease on the World Trade Center.

    NEWYORKER: Shaping The Void

  • They are also helping her negotiate a better lease in the down-and-out commercial real estate market.

    CNN: Air Force vet turns to dogs for cash

  • Mr. Porcelli, president of real-estate development firm LargaVista, decided he wanted to redevelop the site when BP's lease was up at 300 Lafayette St.

    WSJ: Gas Station on Houston to Go

  • The first came from a commercial real estate appraiser who occupied luxurious offices with a spectacular view of downtown Dallas that he was able to lease, post-crisis, for a fraction of what the developer had anticipated.

    FORBES: Justice Dept.'s S&P Suit Long On Chatter, Short On Substance

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