That was clearly not a "love" match but from Real Tennis it is generally accepted the modern tennis scoring system and terminology evolved.
CNN: A short history of tennis: Henry VIII to Federer the great
Like Roland Berrill, he had other interests, among them real tennis, which predates the Wimbledon sort and, according to addicts, is its superior.
The love has its origins from the French word for egg "l'oeuf", symbolizing "nothing" as Lesley Ronaldson, a Real Tennis professional, who lives at Hampton Court, told Open Court.
CNN: A short history of tennis: Henry VIII to Federer the great
Real Tennis continued to grow in popularity and was widely played in the 17th and 18th century, but by the French Revolution and with European royal families besieged, interest dwindled.
CNN: A short history of tennis: Henry VIII to Federer the great
While playing tennis can be a workout, in "Wii Tennis, " unlike real tennis, there are no breaks to retrieve a ball, and if you miss a shot, the action doesn't stop.
Henry's second wife Ann Boleyn was watching a game of Real Tennis in Whitehall when she was arrested, and according to the official Web site of Hampton Court, legend has it he was playing when told she had been executed.
CNN: A short history of tennis: Henry VIII to Federer the great
In fact, Max -- who spends only part of the year at Easton Neston -- has become so enamored with "all things English" that he's relocated part of his design studio to a former real tennis court in a wing designed by Sir Christopher Wren, famous for the construction of St Paul's Cathedral in London.
Tennis is the only real addition so far Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas had parachutes, fighter jets, dirt bikes, and cars.
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Called Gryphon, it pushes information to the internet to update the thousands of real-time scoreboards used by tennis fans to keep their eye on the action from their desktops.
But the real-time impact hit home when I was playing tennis on my Wii one rainy Saturday morning.
While its graphics are even less sophisticated than the Wii's, it's even smaller and cheaper than Nintendo's product and the controllers are closer replicas of their real-world counterparts, such as bowling balls, tennis rackets, and boxing gloves.
"What we had in November at the O2 was a real event crowd, in a very different environment from what we what usually associate with tennis, " he says.