"In the White House they quickly realised that they needed to travel to Oslo, " Mr Lundestad wrote.
They realised that they needed to achieve their goals not through war but through close co-ordination with allies.
"They realised that they cannot function as before with impunity and profits are no longer good, " he said.
To do so, they realised that they would need two types of nanoparticles.
More recently, these collectors have realised that they have also been canny investors.
The first time we realised that they were getting close was when they passed a bottle of water through to her.
They bit the bullet and realised that they were in for some hard times, but that in the long run it would pay dividends.
After security staff realised that they had not boarded the flight to Dulles, they ordered the plane back to the gate and retrieved their luggage.
"After my comments were released on the internet, the Americans realised that they were the losers of this game, " he was quoted as having said.
Entrepreneurs across Europe have realised that they need to embrace the networking skills that typify America's successes in Silicon Valley and other high-tech business clusters.
The council said that, with bi-weekly collections, people tended to think more about what they are putting in their bin and often realised that they could recycle more.
Then I grew up and realised that they're really just 40-odd identical channel strips, which do nothing more magical than the volume and tone controls on a home stereo.
However, the real reason for the anger directed at David Cameron is that many Conservatives have realised that they and their attitudes are the dragon their leader has decided to slay.
Conversely, having realised that they can economise on resources and garner good ideas, proprietary software firms are increasingly taking a liking to open-source programs, albeit mostly at the edges of their offerings.
ECONOMIST: Open-source software in the recession: Born free | The
By the middle of August, Mr Moi and his advisers realised that they risked being undone by a combination of international isolation, mass action at home by advocates of reform, rising crime and a deteriorating economy.
After many failed attempts to provoke a reaction by playing recordings of cricket song to them, she realised that they were actually more interested in her own footfalls than in the airborne music of their fellow crickets.
Music executives seem to have realised that they cannot continue to increase prices forever, especially when their colleagues in the movie business (who have also been plagued by piracy) are putting out DVDs, with extras like director interviews, at prices that rival music CDs.
Mr Prescott claims that the male geeks in his office have realised that they can reduce the risk of being laughed at for their fashion choices by posting pictures of clothes they want to buy in advance, to see what reaction they get before they splash the cash.
"Initially they thought they were guinea-pigs but they quickly realised that in fact they were pioneers, " said Mr Cleaver.
When they realised in 2003 that they might be breaking the law, the schools immediately stopped sharing information.
Dr Wu and Mr Pearl realised that if they could stop the handshake happening, they would have a way of dampening the immune system's ability to detect transplanted organs.
The only reason it's even being agreed upon now is because the wealthy and influential have realised that if they don't come to a consensus, their own wallets will suffer too.
Because they've realised that pop acts work, they don't look for people who are particularly talented.
Initially, I think there was pushback but once they realised that it didn't affect this port that much, they've accepted it.
So far, Mr Noboa has been riding a wave of fear that washed over Ecuador's politicians when they realised that nobody was prepared to defend Congress during the coup.
Of those that realised they were at risk, little more than a third had amended their software, a quarter were working on the problem, and the rest had yet to get round to it.
That's interesting because much later on, when they realised that a woman didn't have to climax in order to conceive, the idea of a woman enjoying sex was considered far less important.
As they have realised that nothing can stop them, however, they have grown franker.
Just when lenders were throwing their money around, companies were on a borrowing binge, not least because they had realised that debt was cheaper than equity, and decided that they could live with lower credit ratings.