That makes it harder for healthy companies to grow and impedes the efficient reallocation of resources.
The central dynamic of the welfare state is constant redistribution and political reallocation of resources.
How could executive level objectives be impacted by reallocation of the resources spent on validating data?
The other half would come from savings and reallocation in the current capital budget, she said.
But the reallocation of these resources to new sectors and companies has been painfully slow and unnecessarily interrupted.
Reallocation of spectrum will maximize the efficient use of the nation's spectrum resources.
WSJ: Should Some of Broadcasters' Spectrum Be Auctioned Off to Wireless Carriers?
Emerging currencies are poised to benefit from the reallocation of investor portfolios into emerging assets in the years ahead.
WSJ: Pimco's Guiding Asia-Pacific's Investor Evolution: Ki Myung Hong
This refers broadly to a reallocation of power from the state to counties.
Transferring wealth from one class to another to artificially boost real estate prices only delays the inevitable and necessary reallocation.
"Investors may be on the cusp of a major reallocation back toward equities, " argues Tobias Levkovich, Citigroup's chief U.S. equity strategist.
But he says reallocation of resources will enable the CIO to take action on IT strategies that focus on growth and strategic impact.
Understanding the ripple a reallocation of resources can cause, we must also make changes that have the least detrimental affect to our economy.
However, reallocation of the D Block will take votes in both houses of Congress and until July 21, the Senate had been quiet.
FORBES: D Block Decision May Prompt T-Mobile/Sprint Marriage
This massive market reallocation in such a short time has led to drastic price increases in all corn-based goods, from cereals to ethanol itself.
Which brings us to wealth in the US. What is desperately underappreciated is that the country already does a large amount of wealth reallocation.
FORBES: The Problem With The Wealth Inequality In America Video. It Commits Worstall's Fallacy
Mr Walker told the MSPs that his discussions about Pillar 2 funding indicated that the reallocation of funding would benefit the UK and Scotland.
It emerged that, due to a reallocation of places for students from Great Britain, a further 308 places would go to Queens University, Belfast.
Although it may be in its infancy, this could be the start of a massive reallocation into stocks that Bernanke seems to want so very much.
What the Boston Consulting Group calls a "reallocation of global manufacturing" is shifting production away from expensive East Asia and Europe and toward these lower-cost locales.
Emerging market bond and equity funds continue to see large inflows thanks to QE3 at the Fed creating a reallocation environment from lower to higher yielding assets.
For there would be no reallocation: every ticket has gone to the person who wanted it most and there we are, no further sorting will take place.
FORBES: London Olympics Tickets: Mispriced and Sold to the Wrong People
Meeting the bipartisan goal of nationwide broadband availability requires additional wireless Internet deployment, and the FCC is wisely proposing reallocation of the hugely inefficient TV broadcast spectrum.
The deal is unique in that the spectrum is currently reserved for satellite radio, and the reallocation would mark the first of its kind within the WCS band.
ENGADGET: FCC chairman green-lights AT&T's use of WCS spectrum for LTE with proposed order
Deeper shifts will also be necessary: a strengthening of consumer society in China, for example, and a reallocation of resources towards tradable goods and services in Britain and America.
If it's any indication, however, Chairman Genachowski seems bullish on the reallocation and has suggested that the agency may authorize another 30MHz of the WCS band for mobile broadband use.
ENGADGET: FCC chairman green-lights AT&T's use of WCS spectrum for LTE with proposed order
That should start with the wholesale dismantling of the vast military-industrial complex and the reallocation of its assets and personnel to meet the crushing need for consumer goods and services.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Russia Hints at Blackmail Over Arms
The method we use for that reallocation is government.
FORBES: The Problem With The Wealth Inequality In America Video. It Commit's Worstall's Fallacy
But a serious reallocation of resources on the railways would mean cutting lots of branch lines, and that is a task for a politician with the hide of Dr Beeching, not of Tony Blair.
Its Black Economic Empowerment program calls for black ownership of 15% of all listed companies, black joint ventures with existing white-dominated businesses, a larger role in the management of those businesses and the reallocation of agricultural land.
With the reallocation of some 5 to 6% of the world's aid budgets, and using a self-help model, we could see a massive improvement in the living standards of the world's poor in the next 10 to 20 years.