Gibbs's wife, Tenielle, blamed his escalating drinking problem as one of the reasons for the failure of their marriage after only one year.
They called for priority examination of the reasons for the failure of past efforts by both the LDCs and their development partners to address the critical development problems facing poor countries.
Skocpol explains convincingly that one of the reasons for the failure of cap and trade legislation was that climate reformers focused their energy on Beltway lobbying rather than mobilizing support in local communities.
The report highlighted a number of related reasons for failure to claim entitlements.
Among the claims, Democrats Henry Waxman of California and Bart Stupak of Michigan sent a letter in June to then-BP chief executive Tony Hayward claiming the oil company had made multiple decisions because of economic reasons that "increased the danger of a catastrophic well failure".
The number of reasons why are staggering, namely: a failure to focus, no competitive point of difference, and weak brand images and identities, to name just a few.
FORBES: Why We're So Afraid of Change -- And Why That Holds Businesses Back
The UK government says it won't give any reasons for the success or failure of bids for city status.
There are many reasons for this beyond a failure of the public to commit to the necessary taxes, and Freddie deBoer has done a good job suggesting ways to rein in spending.
Their lack of runs is one of the main reasons for Australia's failure in this series - and let's not forget that Clarke carries that poor form with him into his first Test as captain.
Forest conservationists, schooled in failure, rattle off a list of possible reasons why.
ECONOMIST: A special report on forests: Better REDD than dead | The
"Now that failure appears to be one of the main reasons companies like HMV can no longer compete with tax avoiding giants like Amazon, " he says.
The administrator's report states that Jennings cites the economic climate, a fall in property prices and lack of bank funding as the reasons for the company's failure.
So failure is an important experience for a number of reasons.
So, give us readers a break, and admit that you messed up your 6 reasons for the RIM failure and let us in on your amount of short wins.
FORBES: The 6 Reasons Research In Motion Shot Itself In the Foot
Regardless of the reasons, securities analysts will chalk this one up as a failure.
FORBES: The Lesson of H-P for Mid-Market Companies: With Acquisitions, (Really) Do Your Homework
Some explicit criticism also came from Wall Street, where analysts were quick to dismiss the study for several reasons, including flaws such as a failure to evaluate the potential impact of label changes on reporting.
FORBES: The Confusion Over A Pair Of Diabetes Drugs And Pancreatitis
Take the now dormant WebOS. While the reasons behind its failure to become a driving force in the consumer market, one of the contributing facts was the lack of an ecosystem.
FORBES: It's Too Late For A Facebook Phone, Because It's Already Here
I'm not sure what I would have done with myself if the project became a disastrous failure -- and I think that uncertainty along the way became one of the biggest reasons I was so inspired to tell the story.
For these and other reasons (for example, sunk investment, concerns about legal liability for failure to honor contractual commitments, fears of mismanagement by Chinese partners currently running joint enterprises without benefit of the supervision of the involved Western companies, etc.), many businessmen in the United States and elsewhere are currently considering a speedy return to China.