Minister Elisabeth Guigou indicated on Wednesday that she was in favour of areassessment of health workers' pay, but called for a "spirit of dialogue and compromise".
Toronto taxpayers, confused and worried (partly by a planned reassessment of property values, until now based on 1940s figures), wonder why Mr Lastman believed Mr Harris in the first place.
But in the aftermath of the weekend's assault on the embassy, voices from across the political spectrum in the US are calling for areassessment of US relations with Egypt.
The Center for Security Policy believes that it is incumbent on the Bush Administration to "stand-down" on further weakening of the U.S. and multilateral export control regime pending a complete reassessment of the present policy approach and rampant mismanagement of licensing decisions.
The computer industry went through a similar period of reassessment in 2001-02 when Microsoft and others announced that they were concentrating on making their products much more secure rather than adding new features.