He talks about how the rebellious boy grew to accept his Jewish religion and identity.
O'Brien inherited business smarts from his father and a rebellious streak from his mother.
Bursting from a buttoned-down nation, Branson brought a spirit of rebellious adventure to making money.
When Carmela Spinelli hears the word "tomboy, " a particular look comes to mind: Strong, independent, rebellious.
Fearful lest idle young people turn rebellious, Saudi leaders want to put them to work.
It was the start of a new life, but traces of his old, rebellious self remained.
Investors in 2012 are acting like rebellious teenagers and rejecting everything their 2011 parents loved.
Eritrea also fights a proxy war against Ethiopia in Somalia and in Ethiopia's rebellious Ogaden region.
But, despite rebellious appearances, the reformers have lost this important round in the struggle for change.
ECONOMIST: They have lost a crucial round in Iran��s struggle for change
The 54-year-old is chairman of the left-wing Campaign Group has been one of party's most rebellious MPs.
MPs have rebelled regularly, and even the most rebellious voted with their party more often than not.
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The theory was embraced in 1950s Britain, where the establishment had become seriously concerned about the threat from rebellious youth.
And don't think I won't hold this over his head when we go through his rebellious teen phase.
For boys it's more likely to turn outwards into rebellious behavior and behavioral problems like drinking and fighting.
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Will they continue their rebellious commute or will they ditch the skateboards and rev up their engines again?
Seward had come to see himself as the chief conciliator between the rebellious Southern states and punitive Northerners.
He was also declared the most rebellious member of the Tories' new intake by the Conservative Home website.
Will meets, fights, and befriends another pupil, Lee Carter (Will Poulter), a rebellious soul from a messed-up family.
Athletic honors are shared between Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi, who plays a rebellious young noblewoman with a fiery past.
We jump to 1832, with Paris in a rebellious mood and the child, Cosette (Amanda Seyfried), all grown up.
Suddenly, the action switched to South Ossetia, a much smaller rebellious region divided from Russia by the Caucasus mountains.
What Abraham Lincoln decree, setting all slaves in rebellious states free, went into effect 150 years ago this week?
The politics of representing Russia's rebellious neighbour are not lost on Ani Lorak.
Hillsman has also found that his rebellious style isn't always popular with incumbents.
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Like much else from the same era, that which was once rebellious was quickly assimilated in the pursuit of profit.
This week Philippe Bodson, Tractebel's rebellious chief executive, ended a long trial of strength with Suez by offering his resignation.
The best comedy is not just senselessly rebellious, coarse or cruel but uses its cruelty to make a further point.
To listen to students who are presumably in the most anxious, rebellious period of their lives express such serenity is jarring.
It would seem the only way to pull that off would be to play things safe while seeming to be rebellious.
Faryal Gohar slinks effortlessly between her schizoid roles as the coy object of Zar Gul's affection, rebellious daughter and respectable schoolteacher.