They came to monitor a ceasefire agreement which both the rebels and the government were violating.
The representative from the government and the rebels has to come on each trip.
The rebels started this war, they started burning and destroying many of the villages.
We were handed a video taken by the rebels soon after one of the raids here.
The UK says it supports the Syrian opposition but does not provide rebels with arms.
It is the second time this week that French forces have fought the rebels.
Almost every African man and boy in this area has joined the rebels to fight Sudan's government.
At the time (March 2013) there was even less stomach for military assistance to the rebels.
Col Gaddafi was killed by rebels after being captured and his corpse was put on public display.
Sudan's government says they bombed towns in Darfur to put down a regional uprising by the African rebels.
This episode then makes the case for Western support of the rebels that much harder.
By 2011, President Obama was arming Libyan rebels and ordering airstrikes to overthrow Gadhafi.
Meanwhile, the rebels said they carried out the attack to protest against the government's "anti-people policies".
Moreover, the vile contraptions continue to be planted by governments or rebels in some 25 countries.
Kesri has called on the rebels to attend the long-delayed party elections early next year.
John McCain, a proponent of arming Syrian rebels, crossing into Syrian territory on Monday.
Vij said the suspected rebels triggered a land mine that blew up one of the cars.
The government has offered to begin peace talks with the rebels, but without success.
The Maoists demand that it first withdraw thousands of paramilitary soldiers deployed to fight the rebels.
Islamabad denies the charge, saying it gives only moral and diplomatic support to the rebels.
Does that suggest the rebels are losing control of what had been their town?
Maoist rebels claim they control 182 districts out of 604 districts in the country.
There have been growing calls for the international community to arm rebels fighting President Bashar al-Assad.
These rebels, apparently reinforced by more Rwandan regulars, are now moving north towards Ituri.
Rwanda has strongly rejected allegations that it backs the rebels led by Gen Ntaganda.
BBC: US blocking UN report on DR Congo rebels, watchdog says
The ex-rebels in government say this would violate the power-sharing accords that ended the war.
The rebels have been fighting for independence in a conflict which has killed thousands since 1982.
If runners are rebels, cyclists are conformists: They wear their sunglasses outside their helmet straps.
WSJ: Lance Armstrong's Fall Has Created Backlash Among Cyclists Over the Bright Lycra Outfit
The castle proposals include a Robin and the Rebels Discovery Centre and a medieval moat.