In comparison, a group of people who did not undergo neurofeedback saw their recall rate increase from 73% to just 75%.
One thing is clear: Centers that use computer-aided mammography bring many more women back for more studies, with a 31 percent increase in the patient recall rate.
Also useful to recall: the unemployment rate in the state was twenty-nine per cent.
Now I recall talking about the relatively high rate Barclays was paying to borrow to people in government and Whitehall.
These transactions were very complex internally, but externally one can see quite simply that these select few constructed a money machine that took mortgages, a large percentage of which were junk, as input and put out mortgage backed securities that were rated AAA. Plus, these money machines insured the transactions as though the mortgages were top rated (a 2% default rate, as I recall).
The dispersion is somewhat larger when measuring average annual returns (annualized return, recall, is the compounded or geometric rate of return during a multiple-year time period).
Vadera says she cannot recall speaking to anyone at the Bank about the rate but she did talk with bankers about a policy change (altering the price of the government's Credit Guarantee Scheme as I wrote yesterday) to get the LIBOR rate down overall.
Because it requires the seller to have the imagination, creativity, and work rate to, for example, know what a product recall means day-to-day to a pharmaceutical company.
FORBES: Heeeere Cliffy-Cliffy-Cliffy: Bring on the Fiscal Cliff!
None of these taxes applies to renewables: thus renewables have a preferential tax treatment to fossil fuels and are subsidised because, recall, their whole case rests on the idea that a preferential tax rate is a subsidy.
FORBES: National Geographic's Howling Ignorance About Fossil Fuel Subsidies
Conservatives will recall that when in power they had a long-running commitment to cut the basic rate to 20p.
The top tax rate changed but the amount the individual paid was almost unchanged. (I recall my tax bill changed by about two hundred dollars).
FORBES: J P Morgan Breached its Risk Limits More Than 330 Times in 2012