Generally speaking, expect to write off roughly 5% of your receivables, and budget accordingly.
Aeroflot gets questionable receivables, which, if paid at all, get paid in depreciated currency.
That 28 percent increase could be a result of the longer cycle for receivables, McNeilly said.
First, our sales have been increasing and that naturally drives the receivables balances higher.
Loans based on receivables and inventories can be quickly liquidated, which is exactly what is happening.
Say receivables are starting to shoot through the roof but customers aren't paying their bills.
LTV's receivables (what it was owed by customers), and the second its inventory (piles of steel).
Au that these amounts should be treated as partnership receivables which the partners should repay.
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Receivables climbed 30% because Walgreen had trouble collecting on accounts from strapped state governments, such as Illinois.
The bank keeps its risks under control by selling off mortgage and credit-card receivables to bigger institutions.
Discover Financial enjoyed healthy growth in card sales and loans receivables in the third quarter of 2012.
However, I am unhappy to see these principles extended to credit card receivables, a subject which merits a separate discussion.
You have legitimate receivables to collect, and a professional debt collection agency is trained to do it properly.
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As a result, retailers turn to alternative financing options such as credit card receivables, which are very expensive.
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However, it remains to be seen how long the company can do this as its receivables balance declines.
Benveniste proposed that Manatee could deliver MCI's receivables in days instead of months by collecting from resellers' clients directly.
D. (competing with the United Parcel Service) and let companies better manage their cash flow and reduce bad receivables.
And I get my cash, receivables and expense numbers every week from QuickBooks.
Banco Santander bought the loans at 99% of the value of gross receivables.
Yes, the cash in the bank and receivables are actually worth more than the entire company at current prices.
Graham liked to buy companies for less than net current assets, meaning cash, inventory and receivables minus all obligations.
If you are unable to collect any part those receivables, the bit that remains outstanding is a business bad debt.
The cash crisis forced Gall and Cooke to rely on purchase-order financing--in essence, factoring receivables before they are even receivable.
Heymann of Sterne Agee notes that GE's loan-loss reserves are around 2.36% of receivables, compared with 3% at comparable banks.
Quite reasonably, financial wizards like to subtract all kinds of things from enterprise value, like receivables that are offset by payables.
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Such activity could even be coupled with purchases of bundles of securitized consumer loans, credit card receivables and even corporate securities.
Beyond the hard assets that can be quantified--the cash and factories and receivables--are intangibles like trademarks, patents and ways of doing business.
Factors operate on a similar model, purchasing accounts receivables from a business in exchange for an advanced funding amount for each invoice.
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TI, it also plans to securitise future receivables from its fixed-line subscribers.
Not a huge proportion but enough to set investors--concerned about customer defections and the little telecom's ability to collect on WorldCom receivables--on edge.