State law pushed by Cuomo to protect federal Race to the Top funding required all of New York's nearly 700 school districts to have an approved evaluation system in place by Jan. 17 in order to receive a state aid increase in the current school year.
They have also contributed national insurance payments throughout their working lives to receive in return a state pension that ensures a financial safety net but little more.
One caveat: All in-state students receive scholarship grants that effectively cut the cost in half.
Malloy announced that ESPN would receive millions of dollars in state tax breaks with the construction of a digital technology building and the addition of at least 200 jobs over five years.
About 330, 000 people living in other countries, including the United States and European Union countries, receive state pensions which rise in line with inflation.
Many service members and veterans are required to repeat education or training in order to receive industry certifications and state occupational licenses, even though much, and in some cases, all, of their military training and experience overlaps with credential requirements.
Next month, officials will open trade-in centers there and elsewhere in Michoacan state where residents can receive tablets, netbooks or money.
The age when people become eligible to receive state pensions will rise from 65 in the early 2020s to 68 by the mid-2040s.
It includes Lee as people who can stay in the governor's mansion and receive state police protection when with the governor.
The athletic department also pointed out that public univesities in the State of Florida do not receive any tax money for the athletic department.
The guidelines are to be phased in this month at all detention centre administered by the INS, but it is expected to take longer for them to be implemented in state and local jails that also receive immigrants.
Mianyang is the only city in Sichuan Province, besides Chengdu, to receive State Council approval to develop as a million-plus population city.
FORBES: China's Best Kept Secrets: Mianyang And Other Tier 3 Cities
But if investors and creditors regard the proposals as credible, if banks are no longer considered too big to fail, the costs for banks of raising money would rise: as you will have deduced, the risks of investing in and lending to banks increases in proportion to the perceived reduction in the implicit insurance against failure they receive from the state.
In particular, they suffer from a banking system skewed in favour of state-owned enterprises, which receive more than four-fifths of all bank loans.
With that new law, Texas is no longer eligible for federal funding for women's health and, therefore, Planned Parenthood and other such establishments in the state will no longer be able to receive federal funding.
For example, a same-sex couple who get married in New York or Massachusetts (which have no residency requirements) may find their new marriage disregarded by another state they live in or move to or might receive an inheritance from.
FORBES: High Court May Decide Same-Sex Marriage Case This Term
For example, a same-sex couple who gets married in New York or Massachusetts (which have no residency requirements) may find their new marriage disregarded by another state they live in or move to or might receive an inheritance from.
Per the structure of the payment plan set up in the mortgage settlement, each state government is to receive a direct portion of the money for the purpose of funding future law enforcement efforts, providing additional relief to borrowers, paying civil penalties, funding of foreclosure relief programs and to compensate the state for its losses from the crisis.
"It simply isn't fair that households on out-of-work benefits can receive a greater income from the state than the average working household gets in wages, " he said.
In theory, a chartered university might even receive permission to withdraw from state and local government pension systems and provide for their employees using lower cost private sector options, such as TIAA-CREF.
Do you receive messages from them while you know they are driving (increasingly being banned in state after state), or at midnight on Saturday night?
One final note on Moss: what seems lost in his getting cut is that one of the great talents in the NFL has now been kicked to the curb for the 4th time in his pro career (six including college, counting Florida State and Notre Dame), yet seems to receive little blame in the process, excused by many due to his prodigious talent.
The Pittsburg State number 4 team, winner in the college division, will receive a trip to NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Florida, to view a Space Shuttle launch.
As Mr Bernanke also pointed earlier in the week, banks cannot do whatever they like with capital they receive from the state.
The Salvation Army was asking the administration to create a federal regulation to prevent religious charities that receive tax dollars from having to adhere to state and local laws that forbid discrimination against homosexuals in hiring.
Your health care durable power of attorney should express whether you wish to receive medical care if, in the opinion of your physician, you are in a persistent vegetative state without hope of recovery, and medical care would only artificially delay your death.
The medical care that many athletes will receive from physicians and therapists at the new 36 million dollar state of the art medical complex in the Olympic Village the next 3 weeks will likely surpass the type of access to medical care that most residents in the UK will receive anytime soon.
FORBES: London 2012 Medicine: Not Your "Usual" UK Health Care
In the state phase, the three top letters chosen by each Correios Regional Directory will receive prizes.
The most controversial issue in Chile at the moment is whether Augusto Pinochet, when he does die, will receive the state funeral normally given to former presidents.
The agencies, in turn, will notify employees, contractors, and in many cases state and local governments about what the changes will mean to the federal dollars they receive.