Both pills inhibit a receptor for a protein called the epidermal growth factor (EGF) that many tumors seem to depend upon to grow.
First, by using radioactive tracers to track the behavior of hormones, Lekfowitz was able to identify and extract unique receptor molecules protein assemblies on the surface of cells including the receptor for the well-known fight-or-flight hormone, adrenaline.
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All three drugs target the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a protein that is over-expressed in cancer cells.
One such protein, the glutamate receptor, has been put under the control of a photoswitch and introduced into the retinas of mice.
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His lab showed this protein to be the receptor for VEGF, and that blocking the receptor stunted the growth of tumors in lab animals.
The mutation freezes a crucial protein called epidermal growth factor receptor in the "on" position.
PCBs do their damage by binding to a protein called the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, or AHR, thus stopping it working properly.
The public has mostly focused on Erbitux's ability to slow tumor growth by blocking epidermal growth factor receptor, a key growth-promoting protein that is overabundant in many cancer cells.
Drugs like Iressa target a protein called the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), which tells cells when to divide.
But gp120's innards are exposed for 30 minutes or so while the protein is hooked to its human receptor, called CD4, in preparation to invade a cell.
Lapatinib, it turns out, also inhibits the activity of a protein called the epidermal growth factor receptor, which has been found to be important for stem-cell proliferation.
While Sugen targeted the receptor for VEGF, Genentech was focusing on the protein itself.
The fragile X symptoms disappeared, suggesting that drugs that blocked the receptor--and thus reduced the amount of protein produced--might do the same thing.