Humans have around 100, 000 genes, each one encoding, in DNA, the recipe for a unique protein.
During spring and early summer, order the delicious asparagus dishes including one recipe flavoured with rhubarb and verbena.
An army of data scientists and an absence of data savvy managers is recipe for failure.
But uncontrolled growth without continual pruning and streamlining is a potential recipe for disaster.
In a traditional list-form recipe, these directives do little to warn us of the timing involved.
"And never post when you're tired, emotional or drinking--that's a recipe for disaster, " she notes.
He bought the plant in 2005 and started perfecting the recipe for Greek-style yogurt.
Cutting taxes without controlling spending has proved to be a sure recipe for growing debt.
Mertz Library, has a display of illustrated texts and manuscripts, including "recipe" books of medical properties.
WSJ: Big Pharma's Real Roots | Wild Medicine | New York Botanical Garden | By Joanne Kaufman
We scrolled through the recipe choices and settled on the yummy-sounding Farmer's Market Vegetarian Quesadillas.
Like media websites, monetizing a recipe website is immensely challenging, leaving most relying on advertising.
FORBES: Punchfork Innovates Recipe Web Search Business Model With API & Social Data
What follows here is a recipe for insuring your portfolio against apocalyptic financial perils.
Here is a new recipe that tastes light and has a crunchy top, too.
Disappointed but not surprised, I moved onto the meat of the matter: the recipe itself.
Mr. Kahan spent a month developing this recipe, experimenting with dozens of beer types.
WSJ: Paul Kahan's Steamed Mussels With Celery Leaves | Slow Food Fast
That was certainly a recipe for disaster, as eToys failed to fill orders before Christmas arrived.
So you think recipe, you know, maybe birthday cake, chocolate-chip cookies, something you might actually eat.
His recipe for success is mixing great ingredients with his passion for good food.
For me that forbidden temptation is a bucket of hot, greasy, Kentucky Fried Chicken, original recipe.
Putting all your investments into a small handful of stocks is a recipe for disaster.
This would seem to be a uniquely poor recipe for a successful revolutionary upheaval.
FORBES: Russia's Economy is Still Growing Faster than Every EU Country
But one ingredient never leaves the recipe: their passion for making fresh delicious desserts.
As any psychology student knows, negative reinforcement is not a recipe for long-term success.
The recipe was developed by the late Joseph Owades, a biochemist in Sonoma, Calif.
But I think the recipe for success is the one that you are already following.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall with Chinese Youth
Combine recession and runaway inflation and you have a recipe for disaster -- and disaster looms.
We all know the recipe for corporate success: set your goals, then execute on them.
Transferring files onto a home PC, for instance, can be a recipe for disaster.
Until now, the country has conformed to Germany's austerity recipe for tackling the crisis.
That sounds to me like the recipe for business success that every investor is looking for.