The recitation of facts is too basic for real scientists and too relentless for casual learners.
Tomoyori practiced daily, spending between 9, 000 and 10, 000 hours total memorizing before his recitation.
They must pay attention to his movements and recitation, and respond with appropriate replies and movements.
The recitation of those events, as heard by the court, has proved unrelievedly bleak.
Arpaio walked back to the press-release meeting, interrupting a recitation of facts by the public-health specialist.
The performers must pay attention to his movements and recitation, and respond with appropriate replies and movements.
In making his case, the Fed chief provided a gloomy recitation of economic woes that have already occurred.
In plush shopping malls, tight jeans vie with veils, just as on Kuwait's airwaves blaring pop clashes with Koranic recitation.
ECONOMIST: Kuwait, America and Iraq: My best friend's war | The
Then he abandons that routine and goes into his more usual mode of loud recitation, which makes no pretense at singing.
But it felt very serious and a very serious recitation of his accomplishments, which I know he wants young people to hear.
Those expecting to be bored by the recitation of hard, dry facts will be disappointed by this tour, offered by Travel Bound.
This theory appears to explain Chao Lu, who set the current world record for pi recitation at 67, 890 digits in 2005, at age 23.
Othman said lawmakers noisily protested the first reading of the security agreement, which was just the recitation of a cover letter describing the bill.
More than 100, 000 public and private schools across the United States were urged to participate in a simultaneous recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at 2 p.m.
The children refused to speak, and in the end, all he could get out of them, even though he offered them money, was a recitation of the alphabet.
Muhyiddin said the government gave serious attention to Quranic education, not only on tahfiz (memorisation) but also tafsir (interpretation), ulum (science of) and al-Qiraat (recitation) of the Quran.
Listening to Leal's recitation is jarring for me because I hear it in a different rhythm, as though it were a song with the down-beat on every other digit.
Revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad, The Koran, or Qur'an (recitation) is the sacred book of Islam, and is, with the Bible, the most widely read of sacred texts.
The recitation of facts shows just how much a determined scamster can get away with in the public markets, especially when the SEC only pursues a fraction of these cases.
In fact, the first third of the book might as well be an annotated resume for Poizner, a recitation of facts with little or no real feeling, color or introspection.
And that same vein was picked up last week by Mr. Manager Hutchinson, both in his recitation of the events of that day and in the exhibits he showed you.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
This event is made up of highly complex rituals: the recitation of a version of the epic of Rama and various legends, and the performance of songs and masked dances.
We will not eschew this obligation in favour of the comfort of the recitation of a catechism that may very well be a correct response to the specific manifestation of Aids in the West.
It shows Camus as a novelist of objective description, an observer of the elements, of color and noise, attributes seldom mentioned in the recitation of his gifts, in which moral meaning tends to take the upper hand.
If you begin to read the 1700-plus pages of Judge Kessler's order, it's a wonderful recitation of the history of the tobacco industry and all the wrongdoing they've done for the last 50 years, probably as well written as I've seen anything.
Since the levees collapsed, I've been reading the local newspaper, the Times-Picayune, watching and listening to the local media, which, post-disaster, have rediscovered their mission to make local news more than a recitation of the previous day's murders, car crashes and celebrity misbehaviors.
For the most part, the Obama sections of the book are a bit of a star-struck recitation of flawless planning and superb attention to detail, from an early Facebook strategy to buying up all the best tickets for the crucial Jefferson-Jackson dinner in Iowa.
ECONOMIST: How Barack Obama beat the Clintons and won the White House
The congress also encompassed an exhibition of eight different ethnic communities based on field work carried out by the NFS. An international poetry recitation and folk-performance on the occasion of the birth-centenary of the Nepali poet Siddhicharan Shrestha was also part of the congress.
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