Maybe towards the end of people's careers they might choose to do what I've done but I reckon for the bulk of people's careers, they'll want to play Test cricket.
Damage from tropical storms, they reckon, accounted for about half of coral deaths.
ECONOMIST: A new study puts numbers to the Great Barrier Reef��s decline
Both reckon the future for European carmaking lies in places such as Slovakia and Romania, where labour costs are low.
Although the party's economic core is still the group that surrounded Bill Clinton, particularly Mr Rubin, many Democrats reckon their recipe for economic success is looking uninspired.
The Conservatives and their dour, cold prime minister have been stuck in the high 30s in the opinion polls for years, whereas pundits reckon that 42% is needed for a majority.
Yet they may reckon that the need for a consistent ideology outweighs other considerations.
Optimists reckon that many ingredients for an economic rebound are already in place.
Others reckon the biggest risk for European subordinated bank debt is market volatility, rather than the possibility bondholders will suffer losses.
The builders reckon there is room for much more: although 450, 000 new homes were built by the industry in 2003, Geo says that demand is almost twice that.
ECONOMIST: Laying the foundations of a property-owning democracy
European-only defence efforts, they reckon, will work best for tasks that are endorsed by the American administration but fail to arouse enough enthusiasm from Congress to warrant direct American involvement.
ECONOMIST: The EU turns its attention from ploughshares to swords
We challenge you to explore every souk, suss out every bargain and still stay under the excess baggage cut-off for your flight home - we have been trying for years and reckon it is not possible.
If living near power lines does increase the risk of cancer, the researchers reckon their result would account for about five of the more than 400 cases of childhood leukaemia that occur in England and Wales each year.
In the future I reckon China will be the fulcrum for natural resource shares.
Indeed, the boffins at Goldman Sachs now reckon it is at its lowest for more than three years.
The authors reckon that legalised abortion may account for half of the fall in crime of the 1990s.
The police reckon that around 20 fanatics are responsible for most of the damage.
Some in Brussels reckon his seeming dismissiveness reflects a disdain for diplomatic formality rather than an ideological euroscepticism.
Tata has done very well on JLR but most analysts reckon it overpaid on its larger deal for Corus.
Apparently, the boy band wanted to be seen as clean living, and they reckon milk's the white stuff for that.
In four years Congress will have to reckon with the fact that cost estimates for health reform exceed earlier projections.
FORBES: What The Berwick Back-Door Appointment Says About ObamaCare: Nothing Good
In addition, more countries reckon that strict spending limits, both for individual candidates and for national parties, might help make things cleaner still.
With the Internet generating more business for Hooper Holmes, analysts reckon that the firm should earn 79 cents a share next year, against 64 cents in 1999.
And as Poland's growth rate has grown worse, so has the outlook for coal: experts now reckon the industry must slim to 80m-85m tonnes a year, and 90, 000-100, 000 jobs.
ECONOMIST: The miners fight off government plans to slim the industry
Now researchers led by Alex Zettl of the University of California, Berkeley, have devised a method that will, they reckon, let people store information electronically for a billion years.
This exodus is often explained as women not having the motivation or perseverance to work in a male-dominated scientific establishment, but Drs Wenneras and Wold reckon that their results could account entirely for the large numbers of women who have left biomedical research in Sweden.
But some economists reckon that Italy in fact has little scope for cutting rates.
Some industry analysts reckon this may be the only way out for companies stuck in European consumers' bad books.
Sort of a lazy man's social phone, but we reckon that can be quite a useful thing for the targeted demographic of college students.
"I had my first heart attack aged 39, (have had) three more since then and three big brain operations for eight aneurysms, which they reckon is some kind of record too, " he said.