The IMC has the power to recommend sanctions, but only in the context of the devolved institutions operating normally.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Report backs Orde over IRA
The GAO has the power only to recommend, so the Pentagon could have stuck to its guns.
ECONOMIST: Protectionism and defence procurement
"We can only investigate and recommend suspension, we have no power to say that they should be removed from their jobs, " he was quoted as saying.
BBC: South Africa shock as 'police dragging' video man dies
Following that the panel, in private, will make a decision on whether to recommend the appointment, recommend against the appointment or use their power of veto.
BBC: Gloucestershire police chief appointment 'not done deal'
Indian laws allow an elected federal government to recommend the dismissal of a state government, but leaves the power to impose direct federal rule on the president, the country's constitutional head.
BBC: News | South Asia | Bihar state government survives
For the history-challenged, I recommend reviewing the experience of holders of Washington (state) Public Power Supply bonds that were issued to fund a nuclear power plant.
FORBES: Muni Bonds: Panacea or Pandora's Box?
The committee has the power to "call in" decisions taken by the cabinet and can recommend that these decisions are re-examined.
BBC: King's Lynn incinerator plan to be examined
Also, we'd recommend repurposing an old Android or iPhone handset to use as a dedicated monitoring device with access to power (preferably in a cradle) near the bed.
ENGADGET: WiFi Baby 3G review, or: How we learned to stop worrying and love a surveillance camera