The body recommended the current system of 24 political seats be more equally divided into 12 constituencies.
It recommended that current pupils at Castlebrae Community High School would be offered a place at Portobello High School, although parents could choose to send their children to other city schools if places were available.
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Abizaid recommended giving the current Air Force commander more authority, strengthening the chain of command and providing more regular oversight.
WSJ: Dover Military Mortuary Sent Some 9/11 Remains to Landfill
Planning officers have recommended rejecting the current proposals.
BBC: Co-op store plans are too big: Jersey planning department
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The review welcomed the "honesty" of the King report, which graphically highlighted shortcomings in BBC network news and current affairs coverage of Wales, but recommended that Welsh ministers monitor the BBC management's efforts to put things right.
Mr Hunt is quoted in the Daily Telegraph as saying the lower cap, recommended by Mr Dilnot, would "not be credible" in the current economic climate.
It also recommended that the government should have better mechanisms for reviewing regulations to ensure they reflect current scientific data and methodologies for assessing risk.
FORBES: Scientists Recommend Canadian Regulation Be More Reasonable; Government Listens
In considering the conservation of biodiversity, the Meeting recommended that a key step of GDI certification must be a baseline assessment of the current biodiversity status of the area to be managed.
The Home Affairs Select Committee has described current firearm laws in England and Wales as a "complex and confused" mess and recommended that criminals with suspended jail terms should not be able to retain gun licences.
However, in the U.S., the current immunization schedule for this disease begins for high-risk children at two years of age and is recommended for all at age 11.