And that is the practicerecommended by the Department of Justice in the manual distributed to United States attorneys who enforce the criminal code in federal courts throughout the nation.
But doctors are allowed to use stents however they want, and 60% of the time they do so in ways the FDA hasn't recommended, a practice referred to as "off-label" use.
Dr. Fleischer said more study results are needed to conclusively determine whether early introduction will in fact lead to lower food-allergy rates and whether they should be recommended as a practice.
"It is not standard practice or recommended procedure for a single pilot to read newspapers while operating an aircraft, " a spokesman for the trade group says.
"I am frankly astonished that something that is common practice in the US and something that has been recommended by the NHS since the mid-Eighties should not be the standard that is going to be followed at what we have been told is a state-of-the-art hospital, " she said.
Dr McDevitt said the review body had stated that an increase of 2.29% would be necessary to provide the recommended increase of 1% to GP pay and to cover the increased expenses of running a GP practice.