• In the UK, they were phased out as front-line bombers by the end of 1961, but about 50 were kept on for training, photographic reconnaissance, communications and jamming enemy radar.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Fact file: Canberra PR9

  • Using a ground-piercing radar sensor aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, a team of scientists created 3-D maps of an equatorial region known as Elysium Planitia and the channels that run underneath the plains.

    NPR: Radar Reveals Apparent Buried Channels On Mars

  • Data from the Sharad (SHAllow RADar) instrument (on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter), document that some of these glacial-like features, which you find at Mars' mid-latitudes, have a significant volume of ice left below a surface of rock debris.

    BBC: Q&A: Liquid water on Mars

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