They will now reconvene in Mohali on Friday for the second Test of Ganguly's farewell tour.
The committee later announced it would reconvene next Tuesday to continue consideration of the gun legislation.
Sounds like Obama might need to reconvene his all-star economic brain trust sooner than expected.
The joint statement concluded by saying the meeting would reconvene in the new year.
Later, the representatives began holding internal meetings in their own groups and intended to reconvene full negotiations.
Al-Bashir and Kiir agreed to reconvene another summit to discuss the final disposition of the disputed region.
The jury will reconvene, reportedly on 20 March, to consider whether to recommend the death penalty for him.
The jury has now stopped deliberations for the night and will reconvene to consider its verdicts on Wednesday morning.
The panel have now retired for the day and will reconvene on Monday.
The panel will reconvene in early December to select the top three and the winner from the top 10 list.
The panel will reconvene on Friday 3 December 2010 to select the top three and the winner by secret ballot.
The BJP, which used its tantrums to stymie the parliamentary session that has just ended, demands that MPs now reconvene.
With the mapping complete, the robots would reconvene and communicate their findings to each other, using mounted microphones and speakers.
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Parliament is expected to reconvene in February, the rights group said, after which it could decide to table a vote.
Empty-handed, we drove up to the ranch manager's house to reconvene with the others for our lesson in field dressing.
According to the Reuters, news agency the meeting will reconvene on Tuesday, Friday and Monday being public holidays in Germany.
The publishing bill had been scheduled to be discussed this week in Parliament, which will adjourn Friday and reconvene in June.
The two sides reconvene at the Nou Camp next Tuesday, with the winners playing either Chelsea or Benfica in the semifinal.
Next year Koh, Apple and Samsung will reconvene for yet another ruling.
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Organic CCS will again become an issue as climate negotiators reconvene to consider a post-Kyoto treaty in Copenhagen in December this year.
The General Assembly will reconvene at time and date to be announced.
When lawmakers reconvene next week, they will take up new energy legislation designed to promote energy independence and curb greenhouse gas emissions.
The inquiry, heard by Sheriff Principal Lockhart at the Gospel Literature Outreach Centre in Motherwell, will reconvene on 27 January at Hamilton Sheriff Court.
They break for lunch, with some resuming their day jobs at the gym, then reconvene around 2 p.m. for sessions typically devoted to striking.
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It called on the House of Bishops to reconvene the talks started in the summer between representatives of different groups, chaired by Bishop Welby.
To that end, he has helped to reconvene an advisory board stipulated by the original contract, with regular meetings to monitor the school's progress.
The cast then reconvene at 09:00 and, over the next 12 hours, the plays are rehearsed before being performed for a live audience at 20:00.
After sitting for 141 days, the Fatal Accident Inquiry into the Rosepark Care Home fire, in Uddingston in 2004, was adjourned and will reconvene next year.
As it is, the old Congress is having to reconvene in mid-November to try to resolve disagreements on this year's federal budget and on homeland security.