• "I'm here tonight with some of my closest friends from Oklahoma and beyond to join in and help with the rebuilding and recovery of this land that means so much to me, " Shelton said during the concert, which carried on in the midst of another severe weather threat.

    CNN: Famous Okies pull off benefit in bad weather

  • He was a valuable ally in passing the recovery and reinvestment plan that's now the law of the land, and we're appreciative of his support.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

  • Note that the warming before 1940 is attributable to the global recovery of temperatures from the Little Ice Age, and even the land based records show no warming over the last 13 years.

    FORBES: Salvaging The Mythology Of Man-Caused Global Warming

  • That means the recovery in both home construction and new-home sales could be held back until developers replenish their supply of land, especially in areas where buyers want to live.

    WSJ: Home Builders Need More Land | The Outlook

  • The Obama administration is making progress along a wide front in fulfilling the president's pledge to our First Americans, investing hundreds of millions of recovery dollars in new schools and roads, strengthening tribal law enforcement, improving Indian education and speeding land into trust to expand tribal resource bases.

    WHITEHOUSE: Fulfilling Our Promise in Indian Country

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