Giving to and helping others has always been a recurrent theme in the Holiday Season.
Treatment for recurrent breast cancer that's spread beyond the breast region involves many different options.
They suffered an injury for every hour of complete play and had more recurrent injuries.
Recurrent infections are possible, especially if you continue to expose your nails to warm, moist conditions.
Some of the studies reviewed showed "small benefits" for women suffering from recurrent infections.
Recurrent episodes may occur in the same place or on other parts of the body.
CNN: Is it possible to get shingles after childbirth a second time?
There are also complaints that Hopewell is liquidating assets that generate high-quality recurrent income.
If successful, the price-earnings ratio for Apple then levitates because this is recurrent franchise earnings power.
Abell said Ashcroft's surgery was performed as a preventive measure to reduce the risk of recurrent pancreatitis.
The orthodox innovator is a recurrent type that we see played out repeatedly in American political history.
He also was treated for an acute respiratory infection in 2011, among other recurrent bouts of illness.
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Surgery to remove such tumors, which Kennedy underwent last summer, also leaves patients prone to recurrent seizures.
Akbank, Turkey's most profitable private bank, is a powerhouse that has withstood the country's recurrent financial storms.
Except around the capital, the provinces affected are poor, over-populated, and prone to recurrent droughts and cyclones.
But they've also shown a more conservative side, loading up on municipal bonds out of recurrent tax worries.
Recurrent outbreaks of avian Influenza and the outbreak of SARS in 2003 rang alarm bells as potential pandemics.
What the Sahel really needs is to make itself able to cope with the recurrent threat of famine.
Other causes include local trauma, compression of the recurrent laryngeal nerve from intubation, or in some cases, laryngopharngeal reflux.
Given these recurrent tensions in the market, how might future liquidity shocks be prevented or, at least, coped with?
The recurrent laryngeal nerve also runs in close proximity to the thyroid gland.
"Recurrent glioblastoma multiforme is a devastating form of brain cancer that often eludes standard treatments, " said Jeffrey Shuren, M.
ENGADGET: Portable brain tumor treatment system kills cancer while you take out the trash
In Northern Ireland, there is to be an increase in recurrent funding - but a cut in capital spending.
Converging factors of telework, globalization, new communications technologies, and recurrent cost-cutting have made virtual life the norm inside companies.
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In three years, Makowski says, relationships with a partner have been a recurrent topic of discussion among the participants.
About 40% of infants who develop bronchiolitis go on to suffer recurrent wheezing.
BBC: RSV infects most babies within their first year of life
In the U.S., about 785, 000 people will have new heart attacks this year and 470, 000 will suffer recurrent ones.
By the late 8th century, the rainforest was in retreat, fuel was scarce and recurrent drought led to desperation.
Third, localism can easily become a form of isolationism, a recurrent American malady.
Hoarseness, due to vocal cord paralysis after thyroid surgery, may be potentially related to injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
Additionally, results from a third study showed extended Xarelto treatment reduced the risk of recurrent DVT and PE in patients.
FORBES: Rivaroxaban Gains FDA Indications For The Treatment And Prevention Of DVT And PE