If you drive almost anywhere in Danville, Virginia around Christmastime, you can see a 28-foot-high metal bust of the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus atop the sprawling red-brick Dan River mill.
Here, four things to do in the off-the-beaten-track Red River valley, due south of the province's capital, Kunming.
The houses, which were purchased by the city and must be moved away from the flood-prone Red River of the North or a creek that flows into it, are so large they can't be hauled to higher ground without being cut into pieces.
One of Long Island City's best-known landmarks is a bright red Pepsi-Cola sign on the waterfront, visible from across the river in Manhattan.
Now with Solovev, his shotgun slung over his charcoal black t-shirt, we left the heli-tour boardwalk, wandered the river's gravel shore and sat on brick-red rocks at a pulsing spring called Malachite Grotto.
In western Wisconsin, an articulated lorry slid off a snow-covered highway and into the Red Cedar River, killing one person.
We followed the Geyser River toward the vaulting spouts and red-yellow soils of the great Stained Glass geysers.
In western Wisconsin, a semi-trailer slid off a snow-covered interstate near Menomonie and into the Red Cedar River, killing one person.
Red River topped Fargo's Davies High School 2-0 to advance to Saturday night's North Dakota Boys State Hockey Tournament title game against Grafton-Park River.
Four years later Henry VII didn't spare any costs when his queen, Elizabeth of York, was escorted up the river by a company of barges adorned with red, flame-breathing dragons.
CNN: British monarchy's long-lasting love affair with the sea
It's estimated the red cloud of heavy metals is now affecting a 30km (19-mile) stretch of the River Danube.
Wow, oh wow - our heads are blown off by pheasant with green peppercorns, river fish in banana leaf with red curry and some remarkable relishes: rose apple with cashew, cured pork with coconut cream.