Officers from West Yorkshire Police have also been searching around the city's red light district.
Most of the city's rental agencies offer regular guided tours, from the traditional (canal houses, Red Light District, Royal Palace) to the more outlandish.
Royal Mail worker Helen Brooks also told jurors she saw the 19-year-old in the Ipswich red light district, at about 0340 GMT on 31 October, talking on a mobile phone.
The number of open prostitutes' windows will be cut from 482 (in 2007) to 243 with the trade restricted to two main streets running through the old medieval red light district.
BBC: Newsbeat - The P Word - Amsterdam plans 'cannabis clean up'
The Baby Doll practice started about 1912, when groups of women in New Orleans' red light district poked fun at society's stereotypes of women by marching in street parades dressed as dolls.
Despite the much ballyhooed convergence of local economies as part of globalization, an American in Amsterdam's Red Light district will still need to trade dollars for euros before trading euros for sex.
We tracked her route into the Red Light district of Calcutta and found the area dominated by a unionized group of madams who insisted that the girls they worked were all over 18, and all volunteers.
Archive Rebeldes Arrest 40" TV Aztec Music Liz Drew 35" COMM: In a much publicized raid in the city's red light district, the police then arrested a gang of drug dealers called the REBELS. The Rebels, according to the police, had been paid by Sharif to carry on killing women while he was behind bars - so as to deflect suspicion.
Steve Wright was arrested later in December at his home on London Road, which formed part of the red-light district back then.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Suffolk | Murder victims were 'vulnerable' women
Honolulu's derelict red-light district in Chinatown is bustling again with youthful nightclubs, bars and art galleries that riff off the area's retro heritage.
WSJ: Oahu, Hawaii, Travel Guide: The New Wave | Journal Concierge
Proposals for new domains run the gamut from a .xxx region (creating an online red-light district) to .sucks, for Web sites that criticize businesses.
In the red-light district, women are constantly arriving from outlying regions.
Mr. Loquasto provides the barely 10-minute work with an evocative setting and costumes that frame its incidents as those in a seedy industrial area's red-light district.
WSJ: Paul Taylor | A Season of Scribbles, Pantomime and Bugs | Dance Review by Robert Greskovic
In Mr Meier's 1995 Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona, a long, icy cathedralesque sepulchre at the margins of the local red-light district, the small collection seems lost against the architect's bone-white walls.
As she prepared to take part, Ms. Jorgensen, a former economist seeking work in "change management, " fielded questions about the obvious connection to Amsterdam's red-light district, where prostitutes sit in windows and are ogled by passersby.
WSJ: Danish Job-Seekers Sit in Storefront Window to Find Work, Draw Employers' Attention
An upper-middle class residential area in the early 1900s, Lapa later fell on hard times and became a red-light district in the 1930s, its taverns and brothels the stomping ground for a broad swath of Rio society - artists, politicians, bohemians, intellectuals and malandros (con men).