The scare seems to have changed Jobs--always before the dark genius--in a redemptive way.
He spoke in an exhausted snarl, all redemptive possibility purged from his voice and manner.
In another instance, a man compelled to commit murder signals regret with a redemptive flicker of his eyes.
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In this confessional age, it's all a little too familiar, including the stint in rehab and the redemptive follow-up.
You just know that the cabdriver (Sergey Garmash) who starts by spitting anti-Semitic jibes will get his redemptive turn in the spotlight.
But the OFT's hopes for the redemptive power of transparency may be unrealistic for two reasons, both mentioned in its own report.
He is also a moralist, story-teller and preacher with a fervent belief in the transformative, indeed redemptive, power of the inventions he writes about.
Even so, Mangold has a job creating a satisfying, redemptive resolution.
The second is a slick, warm, redemptive comedy, written by and starring Dany Boon, a French comic, which overturns French prejudices about the beer-drinking, rain-soaked north.
The discomforts and agonies that attend ill-health and old age afford the opportunity and the invitation to participate in the redemptive value of Christ's suffering and death.
And what redemptive solutions are urgently implored?
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But I think, for me, it was somewhat redemptive just because having left the show after eight years I felt in some way, not that it wasn't the right decision for me, but that I had left Chris and Gillian (Anderson) a way to carry on without an integral part of the show.
BBC: Newsbeat - Entertainment - More X-Files movies a possibility