"Yes, it's redistribution, but it's redistribution based on energy profligacy and dependence, " says Kaiser.
Or perhaps it would lead to the harmless redistribution of rents from firms to employees.
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And nearly everyone agrees that the answer to more mobility is education, not income redistribution.
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When risk of new legislation increases, market participants are on heightened alert for redistribution.
The central dynamic of the welfare state is constant redistribution and political reallocation of resources.
Redistribution of a static supply of resources accomplishes nothing and makes no one richer.
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ECONOMISTS, who prize efficiency above equity, have long given warning of the dangers of redistribution.
Accepting income redistribution in principle still leaves many questions about how it should work in practice.
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Here he uncovers one method of wealth redistribution that has not yet been discussed.
Even, to have higher than current tax levels, greater than now levels of redistribution.
There are much more efficient alternatives, and they do not involve abandoning the principle of redistribution.
They have little chance of sharing in land redistribution but will lose their current livelihoods.
But in the end, tax policy and back-end redistribution can only go so far.
Its authors theorise that a central bank could use inflation to achieve some generational redistribution.
Increasing home-ownership has ensured the biggest-ever redistribution of wealth to families who previously held none.
Welfareship is based on the redistribution of money by the government through benefits and subsidies.
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Once industrialisation is complete and better-educated citizens demand redistribution from their government, it declines again.
It spends a lot on income redistribution, so poverty is low and income compressed.
For all its importance, the issue of redistribution arose for Mr Rawls from a deeper concern.
So, absent taxes and redistribution, Poland would be substantially more unequal than the United States.
FORBES: Charles Krauthammer's Curious Embrace of Poland's Welfare State
One of Mr Brown's main goals, as sympathetic commentators keep pointing out, is redistribution.
Attempts at redistribution to correct for inequality were bound, Nozick believed, to infringe on personal freedoms.
If there is any redistribution, they argue, it is from some low-skill workers to other low-skill workers.
Still, not all of the eight questions are tied directly to left-wing concerns about inequality and redistribution.
That is why economic growth, not redistribution, most benefits the poor, working people, and the middle class.
This economic growth has enabled Kirchner to promote policies based on strong state intervention, redistribution and anti-corporatism.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The meaning of Kirchner's recent defeat
The second lesson is that governments can narrow inequality without large-scale redistribution or an ever growing state.
Income-redistribution programs that became widespread in the 1960s and 1970s had a much smaller influence than market forces.
That principle is that economic growth provides vastly greater benefits for working people and the poor than redistribution.
FORBES: Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All
The problem with this approach is that it is simply a redistribution of the cost, not a reduction.