Critics may complain that viewing all behaviour through a prism of natural selection is reductive.
Obviously, this is a foolish and reductive way to look at such an important part of life.
In essence, Margaret Thatcher's views about the relationship between money and politics are simple her critics would say reductive.
Convergence involves a reductive process whereby you whittle the list down to only those ideas with the most potential.
But the problem with all these metaphors is that they are reductive.
At the workshop the philosophers and scientists each added his own gloss to neo-Darwinian reductive naturalism or materialistic neo-Darwinian reductionism or naturalistic materialism or reductive determinism.
If states find it impossible to make up that shortfall, districts might turn to various reductive methods to decrease special education services, a situation that already exists in many districts.
It would be reductive to suggest that these displays of patriotism are simply the response of a small country that just doesn't crank out that many Oscar winners or Olympic golds.
By 1993, if you had the reductive concept that the middle class was going to move its savings from the money market and bond sectors to equities, you didnt worry too much about earnings sustainability.
Just as it would be reductive to claim that all foreign writings about France are reductive, so you cannot lump all French intellectuals together as jargon-spouting frauds, an assumption that at times seems behind the approach of Messrs Sokal and Bricmont.
One model which materialists use for their reductive view of consciousness is from physics: for instance, in the reduction of thermodynamics to statistical mechanics, the temperature of a gas is explained in terms of the mean kinetic energy of its constituent molecules.
It was a term Judd did not use and did not like "I don't think anyone's work is reductive, " he once said yet it was a convenient catchall for his varied oeuvre and for that of his colleagues, artists like Frank Stella, Carl Andre and Dan Flavin (Judd's longtime friend), whose work Judd displayed prominently at 101 Spring.