The company branched out from selling bibles to peddling reference books, cookbooks and childrens books.
To cope, one colleague wound up hauling around a pair of medical reference books through the Honduran jungle.
When I was a medical student, my friends and I wore white coats so stuffed with reference books we could barely move.
She finds herself obliged to eschew notes and research and reference books.
In showbiz reference books Mr Faye lists a dozen films in which he supplied comic diversion to the likes of Gary Cooper, John Wayne and Cary Grant, and a dozen shows in which he starred in television.
This is high season for the library, which was established in 1934 with the express aim of assembling a trove of reference books "treating all recognized breeds and everything in which the dog is concerned, " in the words of the library's founders.
WSJ: A Library With a Pedigree | American Kennel Club Research Library | By Joanne Kaufman
But more than that, Hopkins's father was the author of A Handbook of Average and A Manual of Marine Insurance, both standard reference books for negotiating, averaging, and adjusting the liabilities to insurance underwriters of cargo losses and shipwrecks, so Hopkins grew up in a world wet with marine accidents and was especially attentive to them.
Pass any newsstand or bookshop in the country and you will spot heaving shelves packed with hundreds of colourful local and international publications, sitting amid Manga comic books, novels and reference titles.
Flavius Josephus, a first-century historian, and not a Christian, has a reference to Jesus in one of his books.
Since I write a fair amount on wines and spirits, and especially whiskies, I have amassed a decent library of books on these subjects for reference.
FORBES: The Best Whisky Book Ever - A Must Read For Drinkers!
Users can also peruse more than 150 supplementary texts, ranging from reference works to contemporary reviews of Darwin's books, obituaries and recollections.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Charles Darwin's works go online
The "Nutshell series" of books is head and shoulders above any other series of programming reference series, covering Perl, CGI, Java, JavaScript.
In contrasting ways, new books by Sir Michael Dummett and Teresa Hayter argue, with particular reference to Britain, that it is also irrational and immoral.
What is more surprising, perhaps, is how few books are borrowed from the Commons library (although it is more of a reference than a lending library).