It is a fund separately identified by reference to contributions by a donor or donors.
The first known American reference to what many recognize as our national pastime baseball happened in what year?
Any reference to a dispute resolution mechanism could delay a final answer for years.
Because you made some reference to the security of cargo flights and so forth.
It seems that almost every speech is now peppered with a reference to growth and jobs.
Some unquestioning reference to this theory has crept into most reporting on corporate Japan of late.
After Nuland weighed in, the reference to Ansar al-Sharia was scrubbed from the account.
Google for .search, .cloud and .gmbh (a reference to a type of limited German company).
Each warning on the list makes reference to the country which filed the objection.
Additional floors often are hastily added without reference to fire and other building codes, monitors say.
WSJ: Before Bangladesh Collapse, Some Clothing Retailers Fled Risk
The latter, weighing some 25 tons in total, came in reference to a "Nuts!"
One thing that was not part of her speech today was any direct reference to Palin.
Ms Joly lamented the fact that the agreement contained no reference to environmental and social standards.
Existing SLAs tend to be drawn up without reference to specific regulatory and standards requirements.
FORBES: Securing The Cloud: Why You Need Cast-Iron Guarantees
Are individual objectives documented and readily available so managers can make reference to them?
On Tuesday, Reid made a highly personal reference to his own perspective on the issue.
CNN: Reid to force a vote Thursday on debating gun proposals
When describing either model, Nuka or worksite, there is almost no reference to digitized workflow.
FORBES: Digital Health Needs To Be More Than Just Digital Data
The line was a reference to the five Super Bowl rings the Steelers now have.
Were they expecting a reference to a hot-button issue would make their ad go viral?
FORBES: Free Advice: Don't Peg Marketing Plans To Natural Disasters
But the deliberate exclusion of any reference to any scientist on the committee is obviously worrying.
The judgments were somewhat opaque and never above a reference to Tacitus or Virgil.
In Oklahoma, they want to forbid state courts from making reference to Islamic Sharia law.
FORBES: Bernanke's Dire Straits: Money From Nothing And Debt For Free
The poster makes reference to the notorious Abacus transactions of Goldman Sachs.
FORBES: Don't Blame Goldman Sachs For Hedging Its Bets And Staying In Business
Fans took Guan's long and narrow panels as a reference to traditional Chinese scrolls.
And my question for you today is in reference to the Canadian tar sands.
They should re-read the Declaration of Independence and the reference to the pursuit of happiness.
However, Mr Stitzer made no reference to Hershey making a possible bid to rival Kraft's offer.
In the video, Bergdahl's captor makes reference to his being moved from Paktika to Khandahar.
Clinton made no reference to the Monica Lewinsky sex-and-perjury investigation swirling around his administration.
Nancy Lublin from made an obtuse reference to this at the recent U.N.
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