The 23 crew aboard the Ciudad de Cadiz are waiting for tugs to refloat it on high tide.
In the meantime, private money, even in bankruptcy, almost certainly will not be available to refloat GM and colleagues.
Earlier attempts to refloat the vessel had to be abandoned due to high winds and lower than expected tides.
Salvage crews are working to stabilise and refloat the hulk, which is expected to be removed by spring 2013.
An attempt is to be made to refloat a ship which ran aground on the Scottish island of St Kilda.
And the consequence of that: no sign of the spending spree that is so badly needed to help refloat the economy.
The latest attempt to refloat a ship used to ferry aircraft wings stuck on a sandbank in the Dee estuary has failed.
BBC: Airbus wings ship Ciudad de Cadiz refloat bid fails again
Initially, four passengers and 10 of the crew were winched ashore, while the remaining nine crew tried to refloat the roll-on roll-off ferry.
Ship salvage experts had been forced to wait until Saturday morning for a high enough spring tide to refloat the vessel, after earlier attempts failed.
Attempts to refloat a ship carrying Airbus aircraft wings which is stuck on a sandbank in the Dee estuary have been postponed for a week.
But they do have the simple majority needed to block legislation including a much-needed law to refloat a financial system devastated by a string of bank failures.
Clive Palmer said Friday he intends to refloat the United Australian Party, a once dominant force in Australian politics that sank without a trace in the 1940s.
It was hoped the ship would be moved by a tugboat during high tide on Saturday, but crews decided not to attempt to refloat the vessel as they were keen to "take their time" and "prepare a plan".
One idea is to refloat the joint Arab offer to recognise Israel in exchange for its full withdrawal to pre-1967 borders, first made in 2002, which was allowed to sink by a hostile Israel and indifferent Bush administration.