• The Committee on Standards in Public Life, which is examining proposed future reforms to the expenses system, will publish its report on 4 November.

    BBC: HMRC investigates taxes of 27 MPs

  • Since the G20 leaders first met in November, their deputies have laboured on reforms to the stricken global financial system, in particular through the Financial Stability Forum (FSF), a Basel-based group that met in London this week.

    ECONOMIST: The G20

  • The proposed reforms include amendments to the judicial system, curbs on the power of military courts and an article abolishing the immunity currently enjoyed by the leaders of the 1980 coup.

    CNN: Turkey's Erdogan hails constitutional referendum win

  • The bill is the final part of a series of recent legislative reforms to the system of property law in Scotland based on reports published by the Scottish Law Commission.

    BBC: Justice Committee

  • Some members have delivered on their commitment to reform the pension system (Italy) and others are making progress on pension reforms (France, the UK).

    WHITEHOUSE: The Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan

  • He pledges to press on with reforms of the tax system and of pensions, for example that Mr Cardoso has left incomplete.

    ECONOMIST: Politics in Brazil

  • But even with all of these reforms the counterterrorism system continues to miss the kind of warning signs that take on great significance in the wake of an attack.

    CNN: Agencies often miss warning signs of attacks

  • Its change of heart comes on top of substantial reforms to the state pension system that have already been passed into law by the 2007 Pensions Act.

    BBC: State pension benefits improved

  • Mr. McDonald also called for reforms in the member item system and a ban on contributions to housekeeping accounts by candidates up to 18 months before a primary, among other measures.

    WSJ: Lhota, Quinn Trade Swipes on Ethics

  • The New York Times reports that while individual Russian citizens seem honored by the chance to serve on juries which did not exist there prior to reforms in 1993 the system itself is not too comfortable with them yet.

    FORBES: Jury Still Out on Russia's Jury System

  • The system has become increasingly untenable over the past year as Myanmar has embarked on economic reforms aimed at attracting more foreign capital and modernizing its economy, which still doesn't widely use ATMs or credit cards.

    WSJ: Myanmar Announces Currency Reform

  • Medvedev spoke about gradual political reforms, whereas Putin has put the emphasis on strengthening the political system.

    FORBES: Putin Presidential Run To Be Official Nov. 27

  • But it also made it clear that next step should include reforms to the Stormont system and had nothing new to say on the transfer of justice powers.

    BBC: DUP meet for annual conference

  • "We will launch our consultation on further reforms to housing benefit shortly, because we want the system to be fair, both to families in need and the taxpayer, " it added.

    BBC: Benefits system 'needs changing'

  • Elected in 1993 he embarked on a series of reforms to try to clean up the political system and undermine the long South Korean tradition of close links between businessmen and politicians.

    BBC: No tears for outgoing President

  • At the White House, spokesman Jay Carney told reporters that Obama's new outreach was intended to find "common ground" on a deficit reduction plan that would include reforms of the tax system and popular entitlement programs.

    CNN: Hope for compromise recedes as budget debate begins

  • But he said tackling those kind of social issues had to be balanced with reforms to the youth justice system and measures to ensure more police were on the streets.

    BBC: Tories 'tough but tender' on crime

  • She needs the backing of state governments for contentious planned reforms: a national school curriculum, changes to the financing of the health system and a tax on mining profits.

    ECONOMIST: Labor is humbled in its heartland

  • Nevertheless, it may still be hard to persuade Mr Magalhaes to concentrate on economic reforms rather than on an inquiry he has instigated into corruption among judges, which, together with another into the banking system, has occupied much of the Senate's time so far this year.

    ECONOMIST: Cardoso��s reform puzzle

  • Together, these reforms which will cut the costs to business of complying with the tax system and allow HMRC to focus their attentions on more important areas.

    BBC: Plugging the leaks in the tax system

  • The embargo on Cuba would only be lifted if it holds "certifiably free and fair elections and reforms its economic system", he said, speaking at the White House.

    BBC: Bush stands firm on Cuba embargo

  • In terms of domestic policy, Likud is promising changes to the political system, a law for equality in national military service, economic reforms and a continued focus on security.

    BBC: Guide to Israel's political parties

  • "Wider reforms of the qualifications system are for ministers to consider and, as regulator, we will continue to provide advice on how their policy aims can be achieved and standards and delivery secured, " said an Ofqual spokeswoman.

    BBC: A-level students facing shake-up

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