The company has added customers in New York, Chicago and Toronto and owns nine refrigerated 18-wheelers.
He then got together enough carp orders to fill one of Schafer's refrigerated semitrucks.
Last year the company introduced an ozone generator to be attached to refrigerated shipping containers.
Make appliances efficient and more people discover they must have refrigerated wine cellars and second dishwashers.
Two large refrigerated trucks are parked out back, to store the flowers at an optimum 38 degrees.
This is a customer rep at Custom Ice, a Burlington, Ont. company that builds refrigerated residential rinks.
Giant refrigerated vessels would unload LNG into the maze of pipes that turn it back into gas.
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Retailers refrigerated the boxes until needed, then opened the package and cut the meat into portions for sale.
PepsiCo already sells a refrigerated smoothie under its Naked Juice line, as does Coke under its Odwalla line.
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At this point, the balls can be loosely covered with plastic wrap and refrigerated for 1 to 2 days.
Then I let the bread rise (four hours), formed it into a loaf and refrigerated it overnight (eight hours).
It's hoped that a new, refrigerated version of the vaccine might boost sales.
Some arrive by cab, via rides from strangers, and in one instance, a refrigerated semi-truck, which carried 80 evacuees.
Lager has a simpler flavor and, when refrigerated, is more refreshing than ale.
Salmonella food poisoning is normally caused by contaminated meat, eggs or milk, which have been inadequately cooked or refrigerated.
Instead, his glass-bottled fragrances sit somberly to attention in refrigerated cabinets, black stoppers and white labels front and center.
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In a hot region, that means paying a 40% premium for refrigerated trucks when delivery routes cross desert areas.
It has, for example, had to assemble a delivery chain for refrigerated goods.
His remains have been refrigerated since he passed away from lung cancer on July 24, 2012, at the age of 74.
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The one knock against it was that the recipe called for the dough to be refrigerated for 8 hours before baking.
Much of the food that comes from abroad, comes on "reefers", special refrigerated ships, or in refrigerated containers on ordinary ships.
Current vaccines must be refrigerated and require multiple boosters, making them difficult to administer in Africa - where the virus is endemic.
Head to an American supermarket however, and eggs are always held in refrigerated units, like milk and cheese and other dairy products.
She had made cookies from refrigerated cookie dough a dozen times before.
Cold-storage-device maker Sensitech attached Ember nodes to temperature gauges on refrigerated trucks.
Customers pick up bread and fruit in the kitchen, frozen and refrigerated food in the garage, and paper supplies in the bedroom.
Inside, he went straight over to the roses in their refrigerated case.
From the boats, it's into refrigerated trucks, and then off to Tokyo.
The batter is sticky and has to be refrigerated for four hours.
Few British workers fancy showing up for a 6am shift in one of Evesham's refrigerated food-packing factories, whatever the wage on offer.