Singh s refusal to cut quality corners ensured that DLF could get premium prices for its properties.
Western countries are concerned by Hamas' refusal to renounce violence and recognize Israeli statehood.
In addition its refusal to regard integrated schools as a "preferred option" has annoyed Alliance politicians.
BBC: Will schools report follow in the wake of Eames Bradley?
In December the international prosecutor publicly disagreed with his Cambodian co-counsel's refusal to seek other defendants.
Mr Justice Stuart-Smith agreed the force's refusal had infringed the 44-year-old teacher's human rights.
They do so because of a refusal by innovators to leave a bad idea alone.
President Grimsson's refusal to sign has dealt a potentially lethal blow to Ms Sigurdardottir's recovery plans.
ECONOMIST: Worse: a ceremonial president wielding superpowers
Their leader, Nick Bourne, has said that Labour's refusal to do this was unacceptable.
Earlier, the refusal of the defendants to speak caused an issue with the court translations.
Even her refusal to show up for candidate debates was met with a collective yawn.
In unusually strong language, the prime minister said Italy's refusal to do so was "unacceptable".
He put it down to the firm's refusal to compromise on its fee rates.
Their development in the UK could help address regional disparities in lending and refusal rates.
He was not, I would later remember, talking about the refusal of an invitation to lunch.
The only obstacle here is the refusal of Republicans in the House to accept that premise.
In many of the cases, the "ongoing parliament session" was cited as the reason for refusal.
Despite Lord Melville's refusal to help the settlers, they made it safely across the Atlantic.
EU's intransigent refusal to open its market wider to farm products (see article).
ECONOMIST: Why the EU budget compromise is worse than no deal at all
Louis Rams but recently exercised his right of first refusal to buy remaining stake in team.
But instead, there was an absolute refusal to accept the notion that we needed revenue.
Others are protesting the company's refusal to share additional information beyond a proxy statement it provided.
"Their refusal to do anything about this at all is deeply disturbing, " he says.
France's refusal to join the invading coalition led to U.S. boycotts of French wine and cheese.
Relatives subsequently launched a legal challenge against Prime Minister David Cameron's refusal to establish an inquiry.
This usually means a refusal to supply a document or a piece of information on demand.
UDA's announcement this time was undermined by the refusal to hand over its guns.
The similarity between the European and American dramas lies in the protagonists' refusal to face reality.
The police's refusal to divulge the whole of the report has led to anger in Parliament.
"There's been no assertion of executive privilege, just a refusal to answer, " Lieberman said.
The refusal is thought to be a reference to American soldiers who might request similar treatment.