Even more in the way of refutation, the arbitrators concluded that the public customer had rejected the alternative investment strategy and products recommended by Estarellas Sabater.
Incidentally the Point of Order generated a minor classic for connoisseurs of Bercowisms - the observation that the Speaker's powers did not extend "to the refutation of nonsense".
Yet the GMO industry has a practical advantage beyond the battling message points or the purported refutation of one scientific study by research leading to diametrically opposed conclusions.
This is the typical refutation of tons of valid research, just point out your own personal success (a study of one)and try to sell it as what of course is the norm, and it is not.
These twin virtues are apparent in the middle third of this life, which lightly glosses over Friedman's most celebrated insights, such as his refutation of the bleak notion that capitalism is doomed to underconsumption, and his reassessment of the Great Depression.