An adviser suggested that a vegan regimen would give him more energy and endurance.
Kamdibe discovered he had to take a different approach to his diet and exercise regimen.
Several studies suggest substantial resistance here in Mumbai to many drugs in the government's treatment regimen.
Consumers learned how to use a skin-care regimen of several products to achieve a goal.
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Such a treatment regimen is more complicated than taking a pill at home once-a-day.
Practically every home can benefit from a regular regimen of new weatherstripping and insulation.
There was also concern that patients would consider an at-home cleansing regimen too onerous.
Gay said her standard is to use a three-drug regimen to treat an infection.
DOTS, a supervised regimen that involves treatment with two cheap antibiotics for up to eight months.
In addition, you may want to consider making some changes in your workout regimen.
CNN: How can I maintain my energy level for sports while on a diet?
The regimen included three months of insulin injections combined with metformin for all patients.
Some of the mice were put on a swimming regimen, while others did not exercise.
The interview revealed very few details about Armstrong's performance-enhancing regimen that would surprise anti-doping officials.
Patients could be at risk if they don't stick to the proper dosage regimen.
His early treatment regimen suggested an aggressive form of the disease, but he refused to offer specifics.
Under a regimen of marginal rate cuts, the most remunerative thing to do is earn more income.
Today, online flickers of news are so constant and incremental that the old-style regimen is losing relevance.
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Under her doctor's guidance, Elam stepped up her exercise regimen, running up to 20 miles a week.
Mascara, loose powder, lip liner and lipstick are just part of the suggested Sam Fine beauty regimen.
You're more likely to practice every day if you make it more fun by varying your regimen.
Ensuring that these patients are adhering to the prescribed regimen could greatly improve quality of life for some.
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Sticking to a workout regimen and a few good books this year might take him a long way.
When working on a fragrance for laundry detergents or fabric softeners, Mr. Papas tests using a rigorous regimen.
Bristol's studies include a regimen that eliminates ribavirin, which will reduce side effects such as anemia and depression.
Choosing a daily vitamin regimen is especially daunting in light of two new studies out this week.
CNN: Experts weigh in on which vitamins to toss back or toss out
The solution begins with an understanding of what the anticorruption regimen must be and what it cannot be.
When Haglund entered the Miss America pageant, she was placed on a workout regimen monitored by her nutritionist.
As he hangs up his running shoes, Singh told CNN he had no secret diet or training regimen.
And in those four cases, the second drug in the two-drug regimen was administered vaginally rather than orally.
Researchers put members of a medical college in Manipal, southern India, on a daily regimen of two bananas.