Deterrence might be enhanced in regional conflicts, where the fallout from the war would clearly affect all concerned.
The whole world has been dragged into regional conflicts that cannot be addressed effectively until Arabs and Israelis find peace.
The regional conflicts in Palestine and Kashmir are a thicket of thorns.
We agree to cooperate bilaterally and multilaterally to solve regional conflicts.
Thus, the idea of conducting two regional conflicts simultaneously was abandoned in favor of less precise terms, such as overlapping time frames or on short notice.
Consequently, the dangerous precedent is being set that aggression pays, that the "New World Order" will reward, rather than repel, violence used to settle regional conflicts.
Regional conflicts that don't concern Japan directly are at least as big a threat, given that it is working with the U.S. on joint responses to regional conflicts.
Moscow's claim to a role in the resolution of "regional conflicts" -- another pretext for asserting its influence and legitimating its "peacekeeping" presence in the Transcaucasus -- is enhanced.
The fundamental strategic problem of the era was deterring central conflict between the two superpowers and their alliances, while still dealing with regional conflicts against Soviet forces or regional proxies.
Regional Settlements: The Bush administration has been assiduously working to develop agreements with Moscow that will end various regional conflicts between former superpower proxies now viewed by Washington as expensive throwbacks to the Cold War.
The 2006 and 2010 QDRs, in particular, reflected the assumption that future regional conflicts would involve a wider range of adversaries than just regional state actors and a broader set of means than classic conventional combined arms forces.
The references to Hamas and Nahr al-Bared reflect the Jordanian authorities' long-standing anxiety about being drawn into wider regional conflicts, a risk that is particularly acute in light of the large proportion of the population that is of Palestinian origin.
ECONOMIST: Is the Muslim Brotherhood turning its back on politics?
At the country level, the meeting noted that the development of African LDCs had continued to be constrained by shortcomings in physical infrastructure and human resources development, low levels of domestic resource mobilization, shortcomings in macroeconomic policy design and management, and severe socio-economic consequences of local or regional conflicts.
Tajikistan remains a country of regional and ethnic conflicts.
An election on March 23rd for the 33-seat Senate, to be made up of supposedly non-partisan regional representatives, may help ease the conflicts.
As key Western allies and important regional players, their support and clout is needed in dealing with many of the region's intractable conflicts: in Lebanon, Iraq, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the ongoing stand-off with Iran.
Regional specialists believe that Tanzania's reputation as an honest broker and as a strictly neutral party in the conflicts afflicting its neighbours would be damaged by Tanzanian soldiers serving as mercenaries for forces outside the country.